21 Physics-Defying Sculptures That Will Wrinkle Your Brain

Art, as we all know, is super subjective. Not everyone has an eye for it, not everyone gets it, but when we do get a glimpse of what we think the point of this or that art piece could be, it’s like we saw the face of God … and then he told us we’re smart as heck!


Yest, the real masterpieces make you think and ask questions, and of course, rethink what is and isn’t possible. When art installations screw with our eyes, by breaking the laws of gravity and generally seeming to be physically impossible, we can’t help but ask ourselves “How did they do it?!”


Here are 21 mesmerizing, physics-defying sculptures that will wrinkle your brain!



1. Book Sculptures by Alicia Martin



2. “Take My Lightning But Don’t Steal My Thunder” by Alex Chinneck



3. “Balancing Stone” by Adrian Gray



4. “Pick Yourself Up And Pull Yourself Together” by Alex Chinneck

5. “Pentateuque” by Fabien Merelle



6. “Monte-Meubles, L’Ultime Déménagement” (The Furniture Lift – The Ultimate Moving Out) by Leandro Erlich



7. Balancing sculptures by Jerzy Kendzior.

8. Car sculptures by Gerry Judah



9. “Wurf VI” by Anna Borgman And Candy Lenk



10. “Wurf” by Anna Borgman And Candy Lenk



11. “Window With Ladder – Too Late For Help” by Leandro Erlich

12. “Les Voyageurs” (The Travellers ) by Bruno Catalano



13. “Planet” by Marc Quinn



14. Wire Fairies by Robin Wight

15. “Floating Stone” by Smaban Abbas



16. “Diminish and Ascend” by David McCracken



17. “The Force of Nature” by Lorenzo Quinn



18. “Gran Elefandret” (Great Elephant) by Miquel Barceló

19. “Albedo” by Emil Alzamora



20. “Suspended” by Menashe Kadishman



21. Tower of Balanced Rocks by Michael Grab

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