8 Shows That Overstayed Their Welcome

you ever had a good thing going but then suddenly realized you’re
slowly running out of ideas? We’ve all been there. Heck, I’m
now! But what’s worse, half of the media industry is in the rut.
Think about it, how many times have you thought “they’re just
milking the sequels”, or “this show should have ended when it was
still watchable”? Sometimes “if you love it – let it go” is
the right thing to do but there’s always this tiny, itty-bitty,
almost microscopic issue of money.

bad or good the film/TV show is, as long as it’s profitable for the
studio and the higher-ups, they’ll keep making more
sequels/episodes because people are weak and predictable. That’s
how we got stuff like 12 seasons of Supernatural,
which just kept going downhill after season 5, making up more and
more ridiculous scenarios as the years went by. Or how about the Big
Bang Theory
It went from “funny” to “dear lord, why am I watching this”. 

yeah, there have been plenty of shows what in my opinion overstayed
their welcome, and here are just some of them.


you believe it if I told you that 5th season was supposed to be the
last one? It’s true, Eric Kripke himself said that. But alas the
show was just too popular at the time, and I truly understand it. I
was part of the problem, but to think that the Winchester brothers
will still be kicking angels and demons after 12 years is something
truly “supernatural”. 

Supernatural | 8 Shows That Overstayed Their Welcome | Brain Berries

CSI: Everything

just put “procedural cop drama” here, but it would be a
disservice to some great shows out there. So, it’s the year 2000,
CSI, with its bull-patooty fake crime science comes along, makes the
viewers think that dusting carpets for prints, and revealing the
culprit’s identity from a reflection on some bald guy’s head is
pretty easy! All
you gotta do is enhance… Enhance! ENHANCE!
15 seasons of that malarkey. And of course, let’s not forget about
all the spin-offs, which in total gave us 36 seasons of CSI:

CSI: Everything | 8 Shows That Overstayed Their Welcome | Brain Berries


started off with enough gusto to have everyone hooked right off the
bat. But something went wrong in the following seasons. It’s like
the creators had this one great idea but then in the middle of it
they thought of something else that would be cool but it was too late
to go back, so they changed a bunch of stuff, hoping that would work.
In the end, just like my previous, the show went on for too long and
wasn’t all that good after season one. 

Heroes | 8 Shows That Overstayed Their Welcome | Brain Berries

Family Guy

or later all cartoons with adult humor will either get canceled, have
the last season, or go down the path of mediocrity for years to come.
Seth MacFarlane’s “Family Guy” actually managed to check 2 boxes
there: it got canceled and
still going (I think?). As long as there’s something or someone
they can make fun of, the Griffins will keep doing it, no matter how
rude or offensive they’re jokes are. 

Family Guy | 8 Shows That Overstayed Their Welcome | Brain Berries

Two and a Half Men

get this out of the way: the only funny episodes in this sitcom were
those that featured Charlie Sheen. And when they “killed” him in
season 8 and replaced him with Ashton Kutcher, it was the saddest
thing ever. Even with Sheen still on, the show was barely funny, but
with Kutcher around, it was pure cringe. You could probably torture
people with those last 4 seasons!

Two and a Half Men | 8 Shows That Overstayed Their Welcome | Brain Berries

The Walking Dead

how fascinating the first seasons of TWD felt? Things were fresh, the
zombies were terrifying, the entire premise sucked you in… until
you realized you’re watching a bunch of idiots doing stupidest
things possible. I’ve stuck around for 3 seasons, ditching it on
episode 7 or 8, simply because I could not care less about what
happens to these characters. If you enjoy all the dumb little twists
and one-dimensional writing – god bless you. I say it should’ve
run for 3 seasons max.

The Walking Dead | 8 Shows That Overstayed Their Welcome | Brain Berries

The Simpsons

often say “The Simpsons did it first!” about pretty much
everything going on in the world, from predicting Superbowl winners
to warning us about future US presidents. That’s cool and all, but in
30 years of coming up with funny stories you’re bound to scrape the
bottom of the barrel a couple of times. Similarly to the Family Guy,
the success of the Simpsons depends on clever writing but lately the
episodes have been hit-or-miss, mostly miss, which is why it
should’ve ended years ago.

The Simpsons | 8 Shows That Overstayed Their Welcome | Brain Berries

The Big Bang Theory

When the Big Bang Theory, or TBBT for short, just started everyone was so excited about it, especially since the geeks and nerds finally got some mainstream representation on TV. The years went by, the writing got sloppy, the “young” actors got older… in short, the show started to suck. After 12 long years The Big Bang Theory has finally aired it finale, but not before giving us a spin-off called Young Sheldon. Don’t worry, it won’t last.

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