6 Apocalyptic Scenarios That Could (But Hopefully Won’t) Happen Today

The apocalypse is a weird obsession of the human
race. Ever since our existence evolved into being able to predict the
near future when it comes to things like weather, economy, space,…
we’ve been wondering what and when will finally be the undoing of
us. It’s a bit nihilistic to say the least, but that doesn’t make
it any less fascinating.

not like we’d want to know to prevent it, either. The Mayas had us
believing the world would end in 2012, only to have scientists make a
statement in 2011 or 2012 that the Mayan calendar was “probably”
misread. Crisis averted, right? Apparently it was, because we’re
all still here.

other things that could end our existence – or at least a huge
portion of it – in little to no time, however.


start off with the obvious one. Greenhouse emissions have been slowly
but surely heating up our planet and changing its climate – as
anyone currently living under the pressure of Europe’s biggest heat
wave since whenever will be able to tell you. This can cause multiple
species of animals on our planet to go extinct in a matter of
generations, and there’s no reason to believe that at some point,
mankind will be the next species on that list.

The Climate | 6 Apocalyptic Scenarios That Could (But Hopefully Won’t) Happen Today | Brain Berries

Large Hadron Collider

Look, whenever you build something that’s made to learn more about how black holes work, you kind of run the risk of creating a black hole. One of the more spectacular doomsday scenarios concerning the LHC claims that it could malfunction and suck up our entire planet into a miniature black hole. That probably sounds like something we should try to avoid.

The Large Hadron Collider | 6 Apocalyptic Scenarios That Could (But Hopefully Won’t) Happen Today | Brain Berries


superpowers of this world aren’t being led by the most diplomatic
and level-headed people you can find in politics. Whether it’s
Russia, the United States, Iran or North Korea, each of these nations
has an arsenal at its disposal that can easily ruin our planet.

Nuclear War | 6 Apocalyptic Scenarios That Could (But Hopefully Won’t) Happen Today | Brain Berries


are mainly 50/50 on this one: many claim that finding other
intelligent life is a matter of decades, where others believe that
even finding some form of life on other planets is going to be a long
shot. What we do know is that if we’d run into some other form of
intelligent life, odds are they don’t want us to be friends.
Realistically speaking, if they can get to us first, they probably
have the technology needed to destroy us as quickly as they please.

Alien Invasion | 6 Apocalyptic Scenarios That Could (But Hopefully Won’t) Happen Today | Brain Berries

Big Solar Flare

a huge solar flare would need to be a really big one to actually
cause an extinction event on Earth, even a “small” big solar
flare could hit us hard enough that it would essentially wipe out all
our electrical devices. Considering how the world works these days,
that scenario is bound to have some catastrophe tied to it.

A Big Solar Flare | 6 Apocalyptic Scenarios That Could (But Hopefully Won’t) Happen Today | Brain Berries


Underneath Naples, we have a dormant supervolcano that’s pretty much due for another proper eruption. The last supervolcano eruption that we have data on claims that the results were nothing short of devastating – even going so far as to causing a part of the world to get stuck in a volcanic winter, where the ashes blocked out light from the sun. There’s other supervolcanoes on our planet but the Naples one is probably closest to an actual eruption event.

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