6 Biggest Objects in the Universe

Our Universe is a
huge place, full of huge things. Stars, Planets, Galaxies and
clusters of Galaxies are endless. It’s very hard to imagine the space
and things out there from our tiny planet. We should feel humbled by
the universe’s incredible size and grandeur. Who knows what will be
discovered in the future? Check out these 6 biggest objects in the

GQ Lupi b – Largest Exoplanet

in 2005, Astronomers didn’t know what to make of the mysterious
object. GQ Lupi b orbits a young star some 2.5 times farther than
Pluto is from our sun. Estimates suggest that GQ Lupi b has a radius
of 3.5 times bigger than Jupiter, meaning if it is proved to be an
exoplanet it is the very largest example ever found!

GQ Lupi b - Largest Exoplanet  | 6 Biggest Objects in the Universe | Brain Berries

UY Scuti – Largest Star

Scuti is a massive star with a radius 1700 times larger than our sun.
This makes it the biggest known star in the universe by far. If UY
Scuti was at the centre of the solar system its edge would extend as
far or Jupiter! The gas and dust bursting out from the massive star
would extend much further out, probably beyond Pluto’s orbit, or in
real terms 400 times the distance between the Earth and the Sun!

UY Scuti - Largest Star  | 6 Biggest Objects in the Universe | Brain Berries

The Tarantula Nebula – Largest Nebula

Tarantula Nebula is not only the most active star-forming region in
our galaxy it is also the largest known Nebula. Stretching more than
1800 light-years along its longest span, it is around 170,000
light-years away from Earth. Based in the Large Magellanic Cloud –
a small satellite galaxy orbiting our Milky Way, the Tarantula hosts
beautiful folds of gas. Within this gas and dust young stars are
constantly being born.

The Tarantula Nebula - Largest Nebula | 6 Biggest Objects in the Universe | Brain Berries

Supervoid in Eridanus – Largest Empty Spot

back in 2004, astronomers discovered a massive region of empty space
in space maps created by NASA’s Wilkinson
Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) satellite. WMAP scans the cosmic
microwaves in the galaxy’s background (these microwaves are
believed to be the leftover radiation from the big bang). This empty
spot which is strangely devoid of any stars, dark matter, dust or
just about anything at all has managed to baffle the top researchers
on how it formed and why it is so large.

Supervoid in Eridanus - Largest Empty Spot | 6 Biggest Objects in the Universe | Brain Berries

IC101 – Largest Galaxy

galaxy, the Milky Way is approximately 100,00 lights years in length.
This is a fairly average size for a Spiral Galaxy. In comparison the
largest galaxy known to us, IC1101 is 50 times larger and some 2000
times more massive than our galactic dwelling. IC1101 stretches an
amazing 5.5 million light-years, it is so large that if it were
placed where the Milky Way is its edge would pass our galactic
neighbour Andromeda!

IC101 - Largest Galaxy  | 6 Biggest Objects in the Universe | Brain Berries

TON 618 – Largest Black Hole

Massive Black Holes are believed to exist at the centre of every galaxy, each being some millions of times the mass of our Sun. The biggest known Black Hole was found powering a distant Quasar – a gigantic object spewing out massive amounts of radiation. Named TON 618, this Black Hole has a mass estimated equal to 66 billion suns!

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