Deck Your Beard With Tiny Christmas Lights!

trends are getting more and more ridiculous with each year.
Especially when it comes to Christmas or other festive occasions.
There are all sorts of fads from weird and X-mas sweaters to thematic
toys and tree ornaments that people actually wear.

Deck Your Beard With Tiny Christmas Lights! #1 | BrainBerries

So is
it bizarre to see men with luscious beards be rocking Christmas
lights in their facial jungle? Apparently, it’s a very popular gag
gift that can also spice up your festive selfies or even get you a
date for the holidays if you play your cards right!

Even though it’s still more than a month till Christmas Eve comes caroling by our windows, but who’s saying that you can’t have fun with your beard right now? Do a sort of a trial run, you know?

Deck Your Beard With Tiny Christmas Lights! #4 | BrainBerries

only thing you should be aware of before you put this contraption in
your beard is that you shouldn’t be wearing it in the rain. Even an
idiot understands that electricity and water don’t mix, but you’re
never too safe.

You know what would go great with these Beard Lights? Jingle Bells! Yeah, you can buy them online for dirt-cheap and go outside jingling all the way.

Deck Your Beard With Tiny Christmas Lights! #7 | BrainBerries

It’s not weird at all, not even a bit. Just look at all these handsome lumberjacks and their majestically illuminated beards!

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