Is Cristiano Ronaldo Converting His Hotels To Hospitals?

In the light of the
latest pandemic that took over the world, there have been billions of posts
online about the coronavirus and how it’s affecting the world. Some people
write about how to protect yourself from it, others raise money to help
hospitals cope with the onslaught of patients, those who can are donating
money, those who can’t are donating time and organizing free hangouts,
masterclasses and creative shut-ins online to entertain people on quarantine
and keep us all from going mad from cabin fever.

Celebrities have been trying to do their best too. Some have been going live on Instagram and other platforms to talk to their fans, entertain them and generally try to give back to their fans in light of canceled shows and just to distract people and keep everyone calm. Many celebs have voiced their concerns on Twitter too. Cristiano Ronaldo recently tweeted:

“The world is going
through a difficult moment which demands the utmost care and attention for all
of us. I speak to you today not as a football player, but as a son, father, a
human being concerned with the latest developments that is affecting the whole

It is important we all follow the advice of the WHO (World Health Organization) and the governing bodies on how we handle this current situation.

Protecting human life
must come above any other interests. I would like to send my thoughts to
everyone who has lost someone close to them, my solidarity to those who are
fighting the virus, like my teammate Daniele Rugani, and my continued support
to the amazing health professionals putting their own lives at risk to help
save others.

Christiano Ronaldo.”

There’s also been a
rumor circulating online that Cristiano Ronaldo is choosing to help fight COVID
19 by converting his hotels into free hospitals. Marca, a Spanish national
daily sports newspaper has posted an article that stated:

“All the hotels owned by
Cristiano from the next few days will be transformed into free hospitals for
Coronavirus patients who need a bed and a structure where they can be treated.
Ronaldo doctors and anyone working in the facilities will also pay out of their
own pockets to make them hospitals accessible to all as soon as possible, thus
helping healthcare in Portugal to cope with this difficult moment”.

That, however, turned
out to be false information and the Marca website has since deleted that piece
of news. Nonetheless, Cristiano Ronaldo and his teammates and everyone working
for Juventus have all gone into voluntary isolation, since their teammate
Daniele Rugani, tested positive for Covid19. 

Rugani was the first top football league player in the country to get the virus. But definitely not the only one in the football world, many footballers and whole teams have gone on quarantine because of the fears of contracting the coronavirus. The UEFA is scheduled to have a video conference soon to talk over the situation and figure out a solution.

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