6 Mysterious Discoveries From Ancient Egypt

The ancient Egyptian civilization is still a mystery wrapped in an enigma, even after all those millennia and thousands of astounding discoveries. Once in a while, the scientists will unearth something new, something mysterious, like an artifact, or an unknown royal sarcophagus. And it’s great if the puzzle pieces click, but sometimes it is simply impossible to explain the new discoveries. Let’s see what you think!

1. The Lost Queen

Have you ever heard the name Nefertiti? This famous Egyptian queen was the wife of Pharaoh Akhenaten. Her name is mentioned in ancient scrolls, and the sculpture of her head has survived to this day. I have to say, she’s a real looker! But in the twelfth year of her husband’s reign, suddenly the name Nefertiti disappeared from all sources as if she’d never existed. Moreover, despite her being the Pharaoh’s wife, her mummy is yet to be found.

2. Ancient Egyptian Electricity

There’s a Hathor temple in the city of Dendera on the West Bank of the Nile. Inside the temple, in secret rooms, there is a fantastically preserved bas-relief depicting devices that look like electric lamps with a discharge arc instead of an incandescent filament. Scientists speculate that this arrangement of signs is a warning that the device could be dangerous if used improperly. But it can’t be electricity, can it?

3. Egyptian Atlantis

The city of Heracleion, which stood at the mouth of the great Nile, was considered the gateway to Egypt. Today this city is completely underwater. There is no evidence of any disasters or natural cataclysm left. If you look closer, you’ll notice that the buildings are largely intact, with only traces of centuries-old erosion from seawater. It just kind of looks as if the city went under in a single moment.

4. Mysterious Obelisk

Somewhere around Aswan, there are ancient quarries, where to this day, you can see a huge, unfinished obelisk, that was cut right into the rock. It’s 42 meters long and weighs about 1200 tons. So since the Egyptians back then were not using wheels, how were they going to transport such a colossal thing to its destination? Here’s another thing: there is absolutely zero documentation on the development of this abandoned obelisk, although we still have records about how much grain was allocated to workers, who injured their leg during their shifts. Overwhelming weirdness…

5. Modern Weapons?

Inside the temple of Seti I in Abydos, there are four perfectly preserved images on the ceiling beam. Anyone remotely familiar with modern military tech will recognize these as a tank, a helicopter, a hovercraft, and a submarine. Some scholars say that the objects acquired look this way because of the crumbled plaster with normal Egyptian hieroglyphs inscribed on. But I’m not too sure about this one.

6. Papyrus With Aliens

A 3000-year-old burial papyrus depicts a device on the back of the Sphinx that shoots lasers or emits some sort of rays. According to some researchers, this may be what the alien civilization used to get to Earth. I mean, yeah, sure, if you imagine that the Great Sphinx’s flat back is a landing site, then, by all means, it’s all about the aliens.

But what do you think? Any of these mysteries ding the bell for you?

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