7 Celebrities Who Shouldn’t Be Driving

Learning to drive a car is one of the most basic skills a person of any social status can attain nowadays. Sure, there’s some fidelity required and memorizing a few rules, but even a child can push the pedal to the metal and smoke everyone on the highway. For some reason, the more money you have, the more careless of a driver you become, which is why many celebs hire personal chauffeurs to go shopping and visit events.

Sadly, some stars think the rules were not written for them and proceed to break the law repeatedly. Here are some of the worst celebrity drivers you don’t want to hitch a ride with.

1. Justin Bieber

Aah, remember when Bieber was caught drag racing while high? No license, a rented Lambo, and a 19-year-old “star” who thought the world was his oyster. Thankfully Bieber paid his dues and a $50,000 fine, but this incident will forever be looming over his shoulder. In January of last year, JB posted a comment on that whole situation, saying he was “hurting, unhappy, confused, angry, misled, misunderstood, and angry at god.”

2. DMX

Earl Simmons, better known as DMX, has never been an outstanding citizen, with crimes like assault, drug possession, and animal cruelty on his file. So you can imagine multiple “reckless driving” charges would not be a huge stretch. In fact, DMX was caught driving without a license so many times that people started wondering if he even had one at all. Add to that multiple DUI charges and posing as an FBI agent, and you get a real-life GTA character. Sadly, DMX died of a heart attack at age 50 in 2021.

3. Kylie Jenner

If you thought texting or taking selfies while driving was bad, then you’d be 100% correct. Kylie has been seen doing that on multiple occasions, but it gets worse. The young star got into a car accident just two weeks after getting her license. Kylie smacked her SUV into a poor Toyota, causing it to crash into the back of another car parked there. Aside from that, Ms. Jenneg got a couple of speeding tickets and small stuff like that until the day her brand new Range Rover was rear-ended by some random. At least this one wasn’t her fault, right?

4. Amanda Bynes

Two years after Amanda Bynes’ last job as an actress in 2010’s comedy “Easy A,” she was apprehended by the police officers for driving under the influence and later charged with two separate cases of hit-and-run. Sadly Amanda spiraled out after that even harder, saying things on Twitter she shouldn’t have said, starting a fire, and landing in a psychiatric ward for 5 months. Shortly after getting back her driver’s license, Bynes got another DUI.

5. Paris Hilton

Paris Hilton came a long way from being one of the most scandalous celebrities of the 2000s to one of the most renowned DJs of the past decade. But her name is on this list for a reason. In September 2006, our star had a few drinks and hit the road. Luckily the LA police arrested her shortly. Her sentence was slimmed down to a few months of probation with a hefty fine. But it took Paris a whole month to get in trouble again. This time she ended up in jail for violating her probation. After spending only 3 days in the slammer, Hіlton was put under house arrest instead.

If you thought she’d learned her lesson, let me stop you right there. Since 2006, Paris Hilton got 6 more driving violations, which is not that bad, but it’s not amazing either.

6. Michelle Rodriguez

Michelle Rodriguez seems to have blended her real-life identity with that of Letty Ortiz, her badass character in the “Fast & Furious” movies. It all started in 2003, when Rodriguez was pulled over for driving with a suspended license, hit-and-run, and, of course, DUI. All this bad behavior resulted in 48 hours of jail time and three years on probation. But wait, there’s more! In 2005, she got multiple speeding tickets, and in 2006 went to jail for DUI and violating her probation. Instead of being locked up for 60 days, she served only 4 hours. Then in 2007, Michele broke the traffic laws yet again while still being on probation, for which she served 18 days in the slammer. She just loves living on the edge, probably.

7. Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan is well-known for her problems with the cops. Ever since that time in 2007, when LiLo was pulled over for DUI, she snapped. Shortly after that, she got caught DUI while still having a suspended license. For this transgression, Lindsay was sentenced to a whole day in jail, some community service, and a trip to rehab. She didn’t do her best to keep up with those terms and fell off the wagon again. After that, her trips to rehab became quite often, and in 2012, a judge finally ended her probation for the 2007 DUI. But that didn’t stop Lindsay from allegedly bumping into a person with her vehicle on two separate occasions. In 2015, Lohan was finally free of all the probation shackles, and since then, it’s been all nice and quiet.

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