What Is Happening in Afghanistan Right Now? (PHOTOS)

After the US forces left the country, the Islamist group Taliban regained complete control over Afghanistan. The Taliban are currently settled in the presidential palace, but the self-proclaimed freedom fighters began taking over the provinces a few weeks ago.

Notice the immediate change of clothes.

On April 15, US President Joe Biden officially announced that US troops would leave Afghanistan by September 11, 2021. This was supposed to put an end to the 20-year war, the longest in the history of the United States. More than 18,000 Afghans cooperated with the United States during the war: translators, drivers, engineers, security guards, employees of American embassies, and so on. Following the decision to withdraw the soldiers, Afghans applied for immigrant visas as if they knew this war wasn’t over and if their identities were to be disclosed in any way, it would spell out certain death for them.

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