Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick’s 30-Year-Long Love Story

Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick have been together for over 30 years, 23 of which they have been happily married. The two celebrities met in 1991 on Broadway, thanks to some of their friends. Six whole years later, they finally made it official and got married. Five more years from then, their first child was born, launching the couple into a whole new territory.

Throughout the years, Sarah and Matthew have tried to keep their lives away from prying eyes as much as possible, given that they are both famous actors. Neither of them thought about money or fame at the time. They were in it for the opportunity to work with interesting people and show the world what they can do. Ah, youth!

In 2000, the news of Broderick’s affair with a young waitress devastated the fans and Sarah, of course. She was refusing to comment for several months but eventually snapped and told reporters that it hadn’t been all sunshine and rainbows in their family. Thanks to some family therapy, the couple was able to revert the damages and went back to love and affection.

Old feelings flooded their lives once again, but there was another problem waiting for them: Sarah could not get pregnant. After several failed attempts, the couple found a surrogate mother, thanks to whom the cutest pair of twins, Marion and Tabitha, was born in 2009.

It’s true that no relationship is perfect for both sides, and usually, two people can only stand being around each other for so long, but Matthew and Sarah somehow had beaten those odds. When asked about their big secret, Matthew once said he couldn’t disclose anything because there was nothing to disclose. He went on to say that it’s all about respecting each other and taking an interest in the small things. And while it sounds like a rom-com cliche, the approach seems to be working.

In a 2018 interview, Sarah admitted that her secret to a happy relationship is also very simple and just as boring as Matthew’s. Basically, you should be learning something new about your partner constantly to keep the embers sizzling. It’s curious to note that the couple has never been cast in the same project before. This may be the missing link because love and work don’t mix well, just like oil and water.

Whatever their secret is, it’s safe to assume it won’t work for every relationship, so stay strong out there and be inspired by strong couples like Sarah and Matthew!

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