Where Are They Now?

Tiger Woods is the one of the most winningest athletes of all time. He has won 15 professional golf championships and a total of 82 PGA tours. In his career, he has become the lead in golf career wins and PGA tour wins. Needless to say, Tiger Woods is very successful. Years ago, the media made many attempts to learn more about his private life. But it was rare to see or hear much about his family or personal life, especially his children. So what have his children been up to lately? It is not easy to keep up with his kids as Tiger Woods prefers to remain out of the limelight for various reasons. But based on our research, we have been able to learn more about his personal life. Read more as we answer the question about Tiger Woods’ children: where are they now?

As previously stated, the wildly successful professional golf athlete Tiger Woods has had a great career. He has truly become apart of the sports industry elite, which has made him a target for tabloid news and paparazzi. But like other celebrities who expose their personal life to the world, Tiger Woods has largely preferred to stay out of the public eye as much as possible. Because he had little drama in his personal life — or that we knew about — Tiger Woods had a squeaky clean reputation and was one of the most well-liked athletes in history. But when he got caught cheating on his wife in 2009, his golden boy image was totally destroyed and his reputation was called into question.

For a while, his family and personal life were out for public display and consumption. Since the cheating scandal has blown over, Tiger Woods has become even more reclusive. But what happened to his children during all of this scandal and the following media frenzy? They are actually doing well and have grown immensely in the 11 years since the initial drama unfolded.

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Tiger Woods eldest child’s full name is Sam Alexis Woods. She doesn’t take after her dad with the love for golf. But she is still an athlete, and loves soccer. Tiger Woods talked about his kids both loving soccer to Golf.com.  “If they want to play golf, that’s great. If they don’t, that’s fine, too. As long as they have a good time playing sports. I find that a lot of fun now, to be able to physically get out and pass the ball around with them. I get such a big kick out of watching them compete and play. It’s so much fun to see how happy and passionate they are about soccer.”

Charlie Axel Woods is the second of Tiger Woods’ children. He actually seems to love golf as much as his father. He has been competing in tournaments at such a young age; and just like dad, he is winning tournaments back to back. Tiger has expressed his excitement for how much his son loves golf, and his budding talent. “He’s starting to get into it. He’s starting to understand how to play. He’s asking me the right questions. I’ve kept it competitive with his par, so it’s been just an absolute blast to go out there and just, you know, be with him. It reminds me so much of me and my dad growing up.”

And even though Charlie loves golf, Tiger has stated that he will not force his son to continue on with golf on a professional level as he gets older.  “I don’t know. It depends how bad he wants it. It’s all on him. I wanted it at a very, very early age. I wanted to compete and play in this game. That’s on him — whether he wants it or not,” Tiger Woods said.  

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