New year, new you. And if you’re a man, odds are COVID lockdown hasn’t been too flattering for your well-maintained physique. Let’s face it, you’re not going outside anyway and you don’t really care much for how you look. No one will ever really know that you’ve been collecting weight like Thanos collects Infinity Stones.
But if you want this secret well-hidden, it might pay to start getting rid of your lockdown body to be ready for whenever we can go outside again. Here’s a few diet tips.
I know, exercise is hard and it costs a lot of energy. It’s frankly quite boring too – why are you running in circles? It’s still a tried-and-true method of getting rid of excess weight though. If you don’t want to eat less, you have to burn more energy.

Fruits and Vegetables
Not exactly as appetizing as steak and beer, but fruits and veggies can help your body get back into a somewhat normal metabolism. You can’t be healthy without getting the necessary vitamins inside of your body!

Eat Fish
In fact, trying to (re)gain a muscled tone will really pay off if you’re eating fish two to three times a week. They’re full of all the healthy stuff you need and some omega 3 fatty acids, which really helps your body build and maintain muscle mass.

Drink Water
It’s a little-known fact that thirst and hunger operate on the same system inside of our bodies. So whenever you think you’re actually hungry, this could just be your body telling you to hydrate and drink some water instead. Think of all the unhealthy snacks you’ll prevent eating this way!

Get More Sleep
The best diet tip in the whole wide world actually says you should sleep more. People that sleep less than 7 hours per day are eating no less than almost 500 calories more per day. Avoid late night snacks by not having late nights ever again.

Eat Slower
Your body’s sense of fullness actually runs off a timer and not off of pure volume. In other words, you can eat more if you eat faster. Naturally, the reverse also applies, meaning you’d need to slow down your eating if you want to eat less volume.

Have Breakfast
It truly is the most important deal of the day. Breakfast will jumpstart your body and get digestion going, meaning you’ll start burning all of those nasty calories a lot sooner – which means you’ll have burnt more at the end of the day. Not having breakfast also leads to having a bigger dinner, at which point your body can’t burn off what you’re eating anymore.

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