Celebrities Who Have Had Near-Death Experiences

Having a brush with death is always pretty exciting. It gets the adrenaline going, the blood pumping, and it makes you feel truly alive. Very few people have a close encounter with their untimely demise and live to tell the tale, but there are at least a few stories that pop up each year of people who miraculously survive grave injuries or threatening situations.

And since we don’t care about normal people, here are some celebrities that have had near death experiences and lived to tell the tale.

Zac Efron

Zac went out for a bike ride with Hugh Jackman in London during the morning traffic rush, and apparently, Zac isn’t a morning person. He got in an accident where he got caught by a double-decker bus and went under the front tire. 

George Clooney

You can imagine crashing into a car while riding a motorcycle at 70 miles per hour isn’t a pleasant experience, and George can vouch for that. Despite his helmet ending up getting split in half from the crash, George survived and lived to tell the tale.

Joaquin Phoenix

We’ve all probably heard this story by now. Joaquin had a brake failure while driving and flipped over his car, crashing into another one. By some miracle, he came out of the accident pretty much unscathed.

Emilia Clarke

After the first season of Game of Thrones, Emilia had a brain aneurysm. She had to undergo surgery to alleviate the problem, only to get a second aneurysm two years later. While she can’t remember the entire situation in great detail, she does recall thinking the second aneurysm was going to be the cause of her death.

Harrison Ford

If you think nothing can harm Indiana Jones and Han Solo, you’re wrong. He’s had two brushes with death. One from piloting a helicopter, and one from piloting a small plane. Just take the car next time, Harrison.

Leonardo DiCaprio

After dying for no reason in the final scenes of Titanic, Leo nearly drowned in real life. During scuba diving, his oxygen tank went out, and thankfully he was there with Edward Norton and not Kate Winslet. Edward Norton reacted fast to the crisis, shared his oxygen with Leo, and swam them both to the surface.

Johnny Depp

Whilst flying in a plane with Bruce Robinson, the engines decided to give out. For a few seconds, Depp and Robinson were having a very unpleasant and rapid descent, but thankfully the engine kicked back in after a few – long – moments.

Chevy Chase

There was one moment in the ’80s when no one was laughing at this legendary comedy actor. He was wearing a suit with lights for the filming of Modern Problems, but it somehow short-circuited. Electricity ran throughout Chevy’s entire body, causing him to lose consciousness.

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