7 Best Robert Pattinson Movies

Surviving the Twilight series was quite an ordeal for the actors as well as the viewers, and let’s just say that not everyone made it out as well as they should have. The actors got it especially rough, with many of them never landing a significant role once the last Twilight movie was filmed.

While it seemed like their respective careers were over, Robert Pattinson has somehow reinvented himself and rebuilt a career pretty much from the ground up. It helped him get the lead role in the upcoming The Batman movie, which is no small deal. Let’s take a look at the movies he did that almost made us forget he was that sparkly vampire from Twilight.

The Lighthouse

One of the great movies of last year, The Lighthouse is a black and white movie that only stars Robert Pattinson and Willem Dafoe. They get stuck in a lighthouse and slowly go insane as time passes, with a plot that centers heavily around the characters and how they interact with one another. It’s a great movie, but not light viewing. This movie keeps you thinking and guessing.

Harry Potter And the Goblet of Fire

While Robert wasn’t as known at the time of his part in Harry Potter, they were solid movies and he didn’t stand out as absolutely awful at his job – which is something you’d expect if you see him in Twilight. In fact, this pre-Twilight movie perfectly proves that what was wrong with that series was in no way the actors’ fault.

Water for Elephants

Not only was this movie a very good movie, also starring Reese Witherspoon, it was actually filmed during the Twilight Saga filming. Pattinson proving right in the middle of that that he has the skills to play in a sort of indie romance movie, instantly redeems him.

The Rover

Robert Pattinson’s portrayal of Rey, a young woman dropped on Jakku by… – wait, that’s not right. Rey, in this movie, tries to survive in a post-apocalyptic wasteland, where no one wants to help anyone else out since no one has anything left to spare. Pattinson does a lovely job as this somewhat tragic character, and it’s just one of those little-known roles he does that cements him as one of the actors of his generation.


Getting to play one of the main parts in a Christopher Nolan film is no small feat, especially considering the list of go-to guys Christopher Nolan has. Robert Pattinson does an amazing job in this movie and proves that despite his focus on more indie and artsy projects in recent years, he can carry a blockbuster action movie.

Good Time

Despite what the title might imply, this movie isn’t a good time for Robert Pattinson’s character. He’s a down on his luck criminal who robs banks with his disabled brother. It’s another one of those “I can’t believe Robert Pattinson pulled that off” movies that shows just what an amazing actor he really is.


Probably the pinnacle of his indie artsy projects, Cosmopolis is a very weird, anti-capitalist movie where Robert Pattinson plays the weirdest rich guy in New York. And despite how wacky and weird the movie is, Pattinson plays it like it’s the most serious thing in the world. Almost like his character exists in our world.

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