Celebrities Who Underwent a Radical Makeover

Celebrities tend to look perfect a lot of the time. They have the best style, the most flattering haircut, the coolest hair color, the best makeup, etc. But they didn’t always look like that. When most of them were just starting out in showbusiness they looked completely different and it took a lot of trial and error, some hired stylists, and obviously a personal evolution to arrive at the place that they are today. Few of them like to think back and look back at the times when they were just figuring it out. But we thought it would be interesting and also helpful for all those who idolise celebs, to take a look at some of these celebs who underwent a radical makeover.


This Columbian singer didn’t always look like this. He has a distinctive style now and is looking cool, collaborating with Madonna and making movies with Jennifer Lopez. But at the beginning of his career, you’d never be able to pick him out of a lineup.

Justin Bieber

Justin had quite an upheaval of an upbringing in the spotlight. All those questionable choices, all those scandals. He’s all married, tattooed and sometimes moustachioed, but do you remember that baby face and bowl cut he was sporting when he just started out?

Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie has definitely gone through phases with her look, remember that whole Morticia Adams thing she was going for back in the day? But what’s interesting is what she looked like before she really became famous. This is Angelina in her early days, obviously gorgeous, but far from the epitome of grace and elegance that she’s known for now.

Kylie Jenner

Kylie Jenner went from an average, awkward freckly teen to a self-made billionaire. I mean, we still don’t know how we feel about the fact that she’s only 23 but already looks like she’s in her late twenties and has a 2-year-old kid, but she definitely went through a makeover, one that definitely involved not only stylists but also cosmetic procedures.

Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian is all sleek, monochrome and borderline minimalist in her look these days. But do you remember what she looked like before? Yeah that was a weird style choice, wasn’t it? Honestly this tacky to sleek makeover is truly impressive.

Tom Hardy

Tom Hardy has had quite a makeover. You should really look up some of his photos from back in the day when he was just figuring stuff out. Personal style? Never heard of it. And what is that hairstyle, seriously, what was he thinking with that headband?

Kelly Osbourne

Yeah, that’s what Kelly looked like in the early 2000s. Since then she’s gone through quite a few makeovers. She started working out, eating healthier, caring for herself more, her style changed and her makeup looks are definitely much better now.

Chris Pratt

Chris Pratt definitely has undergone a makeover of the century. He went from a dork to a superhero heartthrob. This is what hard work, a good diet, a work regiment and a stylist can do to a lovable dork.


It’s weird talking about Adele’s makeover because it was never an issue in the past. She was always super talented and it’s not like she looked bad before. But her recent weight loss and style transformation definitely qualify for the makeover of the year award.

Lionel Messi

You rarely think of football players undergoing makeovers, unless it’s David Beckham and all his hairstyles. But actually, Leonel Messi, the famous Argentinian footballer has definitely gone through a glow up. Just look at how dorky he was and how awesome he looks now.

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