Top 8 Most Outspoken Celebrity Feminists

In the early XX century, suffragists broke windows, set fire to post offices, and cut telephone wires, fighting for the right to vote. In the 1960s, American housewives rallied to legalize abortion and provide social support for working women. One small step after another, feminists have proven that women should be able to vote, get an education, work, and have complete control over their bodies.

Today, feminism is still going strong, even though the radicals are ruining it for everyone. Even Hollywood stars are using their celebrity status to defend women’s rights, and they are doing a great job!

1. Scarlett Johansson

One of the richest actresses in Hollywood, Scarlett Johansson, whose fortune is estimated well over $100 million, has repeatedly admitted that in the past, she was often underpaid just because she is a woman. That was a very sad experience for her, so now that she’s a Marvel hero, Scarlett does her best to speak up for other women in the industry.

2. Madonna

The legendary Madonna believes that the horrible trend of women’s lives being full of constant prohibitions and restrictions can only be changed by joint efforts. The singer argues that the modern world is ruled by men who allow themselves too much, and women should fight such double standards.

3. Natalie Portman

Portman does not believe in radical feminism, preaching that women’s rights supporters should not humiliate men, and that fragile young ladies can also be feminists. The actress has repeatedly emphasized in interviews and speeches how important it is for Hollywood to portray feminism correctly. She is also one of the many celebs to publicly raise the issue of unequal pay in Hollywood between men and women.

4. Lena Dunham

Actress and comedian Lena Dunham, firmly stands for body positivity, being over 30 and still not married, and the idea that being a feminist means giving other women a choice, even if you don’t share it. Dunham decided to radically approach inequality and made a series in which women would be shown as they are. The project was named “Girls” and was released in 2012, collecting a huge number of positive reviews. For such an enormous success, feminists have unconditionally accepted Lena into their ranks with open arms.

5. Beyonce

In 2013, Beyoncé released the feminist album “Beyonce,” and during her speech at the 2017 MTV Video Music Awards, Queen Bey stated that she considers herself a modern feminist. She admitted that she used to be afraid of the word “feminism,” but over time, she realized that in reality, this is just a movement for gender equality, in which men and women complement each other.

6. Rose McGowan

Rose was one of the first to kick off the #HarveyGate She was immediately supported by other victims. McGowan became one of the “Time’s Up” movement leaders and got along with other people who spoke out on the topic of violence and inequality. It is worth noting that Rose is an aggressive feminist – she once attacked Adam Sendler for being sexist. But such aggression crawls out sideways – as a result, her manager abandoned her, and McGowan was accused of slander and homophobia. You win some, you lose some.

7. Emma Watson

Emma Watson became a UN Goodwill Ambassador in 2014. She started the HeForShe campaign, which encourages men to stand up for gender equality. In Watson’s opinion, fighting for women’s rights is too often synonymous with hating men. But in reality, feminism is the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities. It is a doctrine of political, economic, and social gender equality.

8. Angelina Jolie

Many people know that Jolie is a UN ambassador and spends a lot of time in Africa and Asia. But she often stands for the girls’ right to education and having a normal life in general. The actress claims that women’s rights are infringed upon not only in countries with military conflicts but also in well-developed ones. And therefore the society needs laws that protect women. Jolie considers strong, independent, and educated women are a guarantee of the country’s stability. Almost all of her humanitarian activities are devoted to this concept.

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