15 Curious Facts About Harry Styles

Nowadays, almost everyone knows who Harry Styles is and what he does. He is, or was, of course, the youngest member of the One Direction band. He gained worldwide popularity, and this team even got into the Guinness Book of Records.

Harry has been into music since early childhood, and he absolutely loves the work of Freddie Mercury, Elvis Presley, and many others. At the age of 16, Harry went to the X-Factor to hear what the professionals would say about his talent. The rest is history. But in any case, it is worth learning some facts about Harry in case you ever need to talk to a 1D fan.

1. Harry has a goddaughter named Ruby, and in her honor, he wears a ring with a large ruby on his finger. You can clearly see the ring in almost all of his photos.

2. Harry’s favorite perfume is “Alien.” His first girlfriend must have used it a lot.

3. Oddly enough, Harry’s feet are size 12 (or 45, for us Europeans). And you know what people say about men with big feet, right?

4. While filming Dunkirk, Harry almost drowned. The actor who played with him said that he accidentally hit Harry with an oar. Oops!

5. One of Harry’s closest friends is his sister Jemma. Even after she left to study at the university, he lived in her room for some time.

6. One of Harry’s favorite treats is ice cream. His fans can often catch him in ice cream shops, and some even ambush him there. He even bought a whole ice cream truck for the team of one of his shows.

7. Despite Harry’s young age, people have already written a book about his life. In 2017, when Harry arrived on a TV show to promote his debut album, the host gave him the book, which was quite a surprise for the singer.

8. Harry’s hobbies include playing the piano and boxing. He loves these activities very much and, therefore, does his best not to miss a single lesson.

9. Harry loves to give gifts to his loved ones. This is one of the great things that sets him apart from many other celebs.

10. Harry does not consider himself a fashionista, but at the same time, he loves to make up his own style. He wears only what he feels comfortable in and what he likes visually.

11. When Harry turned 21 years old, Adele gave him her album titled “21”. You can probably imagine how excited Harry was to get such a thoughtful present.

12. Harry is a very down-to-earth person who makes a to-do list every night before going to bed. He writes down even the most minuscule things, including “drink coffee” and “brush teeth.”

13. Speaking of coffee, he loves that dirty bean water much more than tea and usually drinks it without milk.

14. Harry’s hair was not always curly! It only started to grow out and curl when he was 12.

15. And lastly, Harry does not like morning or night, but at the same time, he feels good enough at broad daylight. A weird quirk, that’s for sure.

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