Barcelona Celebrated The End Of Lockdown With A Concert For Plants

The world has changed a lot in the past couple of months. We’ve all experienced it in one way or another. Some countries went into complete lockdown, others had quarantine in varying degrees of strictness. But we’re all pretty used to the idea that the world is different now and large gatherings won’t be a thing for a while. But Barcelona’s The Gran Teatre del Liceu found a way to celebrate the end of lockdown in a unique way that shows their determination to get their life back on track and art is clearly the way.

The lockdown in Spain has been lifted
this Sunday and in celebration Barcelona’s Opera had a concert to
show that art is still of value, even if people can’t gather
together to appreciate it in the same way we did in a pre-pandemic
world. A string quartet played Giacomo Puccini’s “Crisantemi”
to an audience of 2292 plants.

The mastermind behind the idea was
Eugenio Ampudia, the artistic director of the opera house. He says he
feels like since the lockdown he’s felt more intune with nature and
has been able to appreciate it and it’s beauty way more. It felt
like the birds were singing more, the plants were growing faster, or
maybe it’s just because we all slowed down enough to notice it.

Even though the lockdown has been
lifted it’s going to be a long while before theaters, cinemas and
other art venues will be able to go back to normal. So this symbolic
performance was meant to signify the importance of art and how it
still finds a way, no matter the circumstances.

While people weren’t able to attend
the show, it was live streamed online, so people could watch the
quartet play their show to an audience of beautiful plants. It looked
absolutely gorgeous. The Gran Teatre del Liceu is decorated in mostly
red so having it filled with greenery provided a beautiful contrast.

The plants were all donated from local
plant shops and the plan is to donate each and every potted plant to
a healthcare worker, as a small token of affection and a thank you
for their hard work during the worst months of a pandemic. It’s a
beautiful gesture and a heartwarming idea.

We should all learn to appreciate
nature and each other. If there’s one thing that we can take from
this quarantine it’s to be kinder to each other and show
appreciation. We don’t know if the world will ever be the same, but
we can only hope that it’ll be a nicer and kinder place.

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