9 Celebs With Very Attractive Bodyguards

Being a celebrity might seem like a highly desirable thing but it actually makes your life pretty weird. On one hand, you get the praise and recognition for your exceptional talent, everyone knows your name, people recognize you, look up to you, you’re famous and, let’s be real, you’re probably rich. On the other hand, your privacy almost evaporates, everyone is up in your business, people feel entitled to every detail of your life and you get weirdos approaching you on the street more than occasionally. That’s why a lot of celebrities have bodyguards that are with them at all times. And while the most important thing about a bodyguard is their training and professionalism and the ability to protect their client, sometimes it seems like celebrities pay attention to their looks as well. Here are a couple of celebrities who have very attractive bodyguards.

1. Adele

Adele seems to know
what’s up when it comes to bodyguards. He’s tall, he’s
muscular, he might be bald, but he’s got the most piercing blue
eyes you’ll ever see, and obviously he’s ready to protect her
with his life.

2. Katy Perry

Is it just me or
does Katy Perry’s bodyguard look a little bit like Hugh Jackman?
But possibly a bit shorter? Now that’s a missed opportunity for
this guy, he could’ve been a start with features like that, and
instead, he’s just protecting a star.

3. Karl Lagerfeld

Karl Lagerfeld is
clearly a very stylish man that likes to look his best and be
surrounded by the best, so it only makes sense that he would make
sure that his bodyguard looks like a freaking model and is dressed to
the nines.

4. Daniel

Daniel Radcliffe
might be the world-famous Harry Potter, but you’ve got to admit
that his bodyguard almost outshines him. Basically, if you saw them
walking side by side you’d pay attention to the bodyguard first and
might now even notice dan, and it’s not just because of his height.

5. Selena Gomez

Selena uses a few
bodyguards, but she was clearly quite fond of this particular one,
and we can totally see why. He’s a total hottie and we wouldn’t mind
a man like that by our side at all. Just look at those arms, and that
smile is so charming too.

6. Jennifer

Jennifer Lawrence’s
bodyguard looks like he could just be her boyfriend. He’s of medium
build, which doesn’t immediately scream “bodyguard”, he’s got a
very attractive face and he’s constantly opening doors for her,
carrying her bad and helping her out with her dog. I mean, are we
sure they never dated?

7. Kylie Jenner

Kylie Jenner’s
bodyguard has become quite famous because of his looks. There are
even theories that Kylie dated him, and some people go as far as to
suggest that her daughter Stormi looks more like her bodyguard than
Travis Scott. What we know for sure is that Kylie’s bodyguard is
too freaking hot and that’s a fact.

8. Kristen Stewart

bodyguard is also quite a good looking man. In fact, in some of their
photos, he looks like he could just be her plus one for whatever
event or red carpet she’s attending. He also looks like he could
low key be a Swedish up and coming actor you have yet to discover.

9. Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga also has quite a handsome blue-eyed bodyguard, and at this point, we’re not sure if it’s not the same one that Adele used. Can celebs share bodyguards? Is that a thing? Cause it certainly looks like these two might be.

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