6 Ways Growing A Beard Can Change Your Life

Facial hair is a polarizing subject. Some find
it to be attractive and cool while others find it repulsive and
irritating. It all depends on your personal preference but one thing
is for sure. Beards are life-changing. Some people literally managed
to turn their life around and make a career out of growing a beard.
Don’t believe it? Well here are some actual facts that will prove
to you exactly how a beard can change a man’s life.

Beards Save Time

to shave every morning can feel like such a chore to many men, not to
mention that it can be pretty irritating on the skin. But growing a
beard means you don’t have to shave all, maybe an occasional trim
once in a while to keep it looking tidy. A couple of minutes every
day can add up to hours in a week or even more in a month. It’s all
precious time you can spend doing something fun and actually

Beards Mean No More Bumps

knows that shaving can cause a lot of ingrown hairs, but if you’re
growing out your beard you don’t have that problem. No more shaving
means there’s no more irritation. Your hairs aren’t going to be
trapped in painful bumps under your skin, instead, they will be
freely and proudly showcased in a glorious beard. Your skin will also
be naturally more moisturized and you can save money on moisturizer
since now you only have to use it around your eyes and forehead.

Beards Keep You Warm

can be pretty handy during the colder months. It might seem like it’s
just hair and it can’t possibly replace an actual scarf, but have
you ever tried cutting your hair super short and feeling cold because
of it? Yeah, beards work the same way. There’s a reason women feel
more comfortable without hats when it’s colder, it’s because hair
keeps you warm. In fact, there’s been a study done and beards keep
the face 1 degree warmer, which is actually a lot when it’s
freezing outside in the winter.

Beard Protect Your Skin

Beards are
actually quite effective in protecting your skin from the sun. It’s
like a natural sunscreen. Which means that the skin under it will
never get a sunburn. There’s also evidence that since beards
protect you from the sun you are way less likely to get skin cancer
on your face. Those spots men get on their face with age, yeah that
pigmentation is also caused by the sun and you can avoid it if you
sprout a beard.

Beards Keep You Young

a beard keeps the sun away and keeps your skin from frostbite in the
winter, it means it can protect your face year-round. People with
facial hair also tend to have better skin under it, because their
beards are like a protective layer over their skin that keeps it from
drying out and getting sun damage. Have you ever noticed that men
that prefer beards look like babies when they shave? That’s because
they don’t have wrinkles and skin damage.

Beards Make You Confident

A beard is also a great tool when it comes to confidence and style. Guys can change the shape of their face, hide a weak chin or make their jawline appear to be stronger with a beard. Men can also hide their insecurities like acne scars or a stubborn double chin under their beard, all while looking hella manly and like a true modern-day Viking.

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