Who Are the Birds of Prey, Exactly? A Guide to Harley Quinn’s Team

The DC movie universe just can’t seem to keep up with its main competitor – Marvel Studios. There are some truly amazing movies on their side, like Wonder Woman, Joker, and Shazam, but their most recent film about Harley Quinn and the Birds of Prey has become quite controversial. It’s DC’s first movie about a team, entirely consisting of female heroines. The problem is that most of the movie-goers have no idea who the Huntress or Black Canary is.

For those of you who’d like to find out more about the team of avenging badass women, we’ve prepared some juicy info tidbits. Bon appetit!

Harley Quinn

Let’s start with the star of the circus – Harleen Quinzel, aka Harley Quinn. She doesn’t have any superpowers unless you count unpredictability, madness, and incredible dexterity as something she gained during the chemical bath. Harley’s debut was in Batman The Animated Series, not the comics, as many have assumed. To be honest, she’s one of the main reasons to watch “Birds of Prey” in the first place. You’ll see her break with the Joker and witness all the consequences. Now she’s an independent woman with a crap-ton of enemies!

Huntress – Helena Bertinelli

Played by the gorgeous Mary Elizabeth Winstead, the Huntress, is out for revenge. Her character first appeared in Huntress # 1 (1989), where she is a master of martial arts, experienced detective, and of course, an unrivaled markswoman. The Huntress is more vicious and less mentally stable than the rest of the team, which creates a fun dichotomy. In the comics, Helena is the daughter of the mafia leader. Her family was killed during the raid, which pushed the girl to seek revenge on the underworld. She could have easily gotten a solo film, but at least Harley knows what she’s doing.

Black Canary – Dinah Lance

Martial artist, fantastic friend, and a metahuman with a killer voice.  Her first comic book appearance was in Flash Comics # 86 (1947), where she was portrayed as an athletic blonde with a killer voice, and a pair of sexy fishnets. Eventually, she joined the Justice League, but that’s a far cry from what we see in the movie.

Cassandra Cane

Cassie Cane started as an assassin in 1999’s Batman #567, but it looks like in the movie, she’s just a little thief. Will she become a Batgirl eventually? Judging by the movie’s popularity, it appears to be a resounding “nope.” The film changed her backstory in the most dramatic way. But if you know her origins, it’s rather fun to imagine where her character would end up in 5-10 years.

Rene Montoya

Played by Rosie Perez, this genius detective has had enough of playing second fiddle to the unworthy police captain. She was ripped straight out of Batman The Animated Series and put on the big screen. She’s the only cop on the team, as it should be, and without her, this whole sisterhood would fall apart. She has no superpowers and has to rely only on her wit and a steady hand. But will it be enough?

Watch the movie if you still can. If not, know that it’s fun and only a little bit cringey, but still worth your love and attention!

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