Reasons Why Meghan Markle Is Awesome

event that has held the media almost as much as the Brexit or the
Corona virus was the infamous Megxit. Her and her husband, ex-prince
Harry, have left the British royal house after being tired of the way
the people and media treated her.

take a look at some reasons why those people were wrong and Meghan
Markle is in fact an awesome person.

an Avid Humanitarian

people use their name and fame for a good cause, you can’t really
hate them, can you? Meghan has been a firm believer in gender
equality and helps out loads of charities defending those rights.

Treats Everyone with Kindness

seems like a basic thing to do – and it kind of is – but Meghan
is always kind to people. It’s a rare feat to come across these
days, and certainly becoming of a royal.

has Great Style

before she was a Duchess, Meghan has always had a great sense of
style that integrated perfectly with her life as a part of the royal

Reminds People of Diana

be honest: Diana was the previous woman that shook up the British
royal family a bit, and the way Meghan has been handling things
surely mimics the way Diana did it.

a Feminist

a family and country that’s pretty much entirely run by a single
woman, you’d think they’d appreciate a feminist in the royal
family a bit more.

an Atypical Monarch

Maybe that’s something the British don’t like, but if there was ever a monarchy that needed someone to shake things up a little, it’s the British one.

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