The 8 Best Decisions Made By Marvel

has taken over the movie industry in the last few decades and have
managed to establish themselves as an entertainment giant that isn’t
going anywhere anytime soon. The reason why they’ve become so big
is because they have made smart decisions in that period.

not hard to see some of the things they did that have been a huge
factor in their success, but here’s a run-down so you know what’s

The Movies Into One Universe

hadn’t been done before, and they took a huge risk in doing it.
Nobody is going to say that it wasn’t a risk worth taking after
what the MCU has given us in the last decades, though.

Bought By Disney

mean, that might not have been Marvel’s call to make, but the
Disney Machine sure helped in delivering the budgets, the marketing
and the experience as a whole.

The Hulk

hasn’t been too nice to recast people when it just didn’t work
out. They recast Rhodey pretty early on in the Iron Man series, and
they recast the Hulk multiple times. Mark Ruffalo was an amazing
addition to the roster that perfectly seemed to balance out the other
main characters, so kudos to Marvel for sticking with him!

off Relatively Unknown Properties as Seperate Stories

be honest: who had heard of the Guardians of the Galaxy before the
classic James Gunn movie? And at the end of it, they gave the Power
stone back to the Nova Corps, meaning that if the movie tanked they
could’ve easily ignored the entire team.

Loki to His Full Extent

Loki as a small villain, big villain, small ally and an all-round
double-crossing trickster was a stroke of genius.

Their Time

this is something DC didn’t or couldn’t do. We were invested in
these characters by the time that Avengers launched, while in Justice
League most people were probably wondering who the hell that Cyborg
guy was.

Hero Has Their Own Tone

Iron Man movie is going to be a cocky action movie. Captain America
deviates more into crime thriller territory. Thor is pure fantasy and
Guardians of the Galaxy is space opera. Despite these people coming
together, they all had their own unique tones and identities.


Dr. Strange, Star-Lord, Iron Man, Captain America, Spider-Man, … All these actors seem like they were made for the roles. In fact, a Star-Lord that doesn’t look like Chris Pratt in the comics just feels *wrong* now.

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