Fascinating Stories Behind Famous Cocktails

Usually when it comes
to cocktails, we don’t really care to know much about them. Half the time you
don’t even know all the ingredients of what it is you’re drinking, just that it
tastes sweet (or bitter, depending on your tastes) and usually looks fairly

Some cocktails out
there have some truly amazing stories behind them, however. It might not make
them taste better, but it’s entertaining and it won’t make them taste worse
either. Let’s dive into some cocktail history. Grab a drink, while you’re at


Named after the
village in Cuba with the same name, the Daiquiri wasn’t a very popular drink
until a U.S. Navy officer fell in love with it and introduced it to the Army
and Navy clubs. The invention of the Daiquiri is also quite fascinating: during
the Spanish-American war, most booze was hard to come by. As nothing else was
readily available, people used rum for their drinks instead.


Most stories about Margarita’s origin lead back to a woman. Sadly, we’re not quite sure which woman it is that we can hold responsible for the creation of this drink: it’s either dancer Marjorie King, singer Peggy Lee or ambassador’s daughter Margarita Henkel.

Bloody Mary

The Bloody Mary might
have been nothing more than a mispronunciation of the Slavic syllables for
“Vladimir” (as in: Vladimir Smirnov, for who the drink was made). Another
popular theory is that it was the favorite drink of Queen Mary I of England.


Apparently this one
has a pretty literal meaning. A “mojo” is a Spanish name for a Cuban sauce made
from citrus fruits, which I guess kind of matches the definition Austin Powers
gives to it. “Mojito” is then interpreted as a “little mojo”. The name was introduced
by African slaves working on the Cuban sugar cane fields.

Mai Tai

This one is pretty
simple: “mai tai” means “very good” in Tahitian and that’s exactly what the
first people that drank the cocktail cried out as they tasted it. And so the
Mai Tai was born.

Pink Lady

The name was taken
from a Broadway musical of the same name. It was invented by Elsie de Wolfe,
who was a huge personality in society at the time.

Long Island Iced

Another pretty obvious
one, the Long Island Iced Tea was named after Long Island – where it was
invented during prohibition – and the fact that it resembles iced tea in color
as well as taste.


The easy solution to
this mystery is that it’s named after its use of Martini in its creation. Another
theory says that it’s named after the town of Martinez, where the drink was
supposedly invented.

Tequila Sunrise

Named after its colors that resemble a desert sunrise, the tequila probably also helps people wake up blacked out to a desert sunrise the next day.

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