6 Fun-tastic New Year’s Eve Party Ideas

Have you ever considered celebrating New Year’s Eve with something other than champagne and mashed potatoes? Every year, you and your friends want to create a real holiday, an unforgettable party, but when it comes down to it, the house of cards crumbles because Josh forgot to bring that one crucial thing.

Celebrate this New Year’s Eve with a bit of panache! Host a theme party that will stick in you and your friends’ memory for a long time. Here are six great ideas for you and your close ones!

1. Wishing party

New Year’s Eve helps to fulfill your most cherished wishes. Party participants can show off what their wishes are by wearing an appropriate costume. For example, if a girl dreams of getting married, let her dress up as a bride; if your girlfriend wants to become a vegetarian, let them be a potato or an eggplant. You get the gist. Not only will it be fun, but it will also help you and your friends visualize the desired goal in 2020!

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2. Disco of the new decade

A regular dance party is boring, but a future-style disco can be whatever you want it to be… but with disco music. To make your party look futuristic, decorate the treats, such as cookies, cupcakes or other sweets, with metallic geometric shapes. In general, you should get a ton of LED lights, glitter, and modern high-tech decor. For costume ideas, just look at what Lady Gaga is wearing.

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3. Single-color party

Here’s an idea: tell all your guests to come wearing the same color attire. Next year will be the year of the Rat, so pizza patterns, grey fur, and diseases should be in. Of course, you don’t have to stick to the rat-related colors. You shouldn’t, really.

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4. Chinese theme party

Setting up a Chinese party is easy enough. Now you can buy paper dragons, paper lanterns, and lots of other things to help you recreate the Chinese atmosphere. Of course, if you do that, people will judge you. So if you ask your guests to come in kimonos, rocking Chinese hairstyles and makeup, you better make sure those friends are at least Asian. Culture appropriation is not cool, but it’s also not a crime.

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5. Spy Party

Celebrating the New Year’s in the style of James Bond would look very impressive, you have to admit that. Men would wear suits or tuxedos, and women evening dresses. Your party should be a “Secret Mission,” and your guests should be agents. Also, it would be fantastic if you could come up with a few cocktails and soft drinks that your guests can taste for the first time.

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6. Photoshoot party

We all love to take pictures, especially when the decorations are there, and the camera’s just asking to be loved. Create a small photo studio in one of the rooms, using white or any plain sheets or curtains, move the Christmas tree and decorations there, and lock the cat in the kitchen. Now that you have a set, all you need is a good camera!

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