Interstellar Themed Restaurant In Mexico

Interstellar was a very strange movie. Some people loved it, some people hated it, a lot of people didn’t really get it the first time they watched it and they were too lazy to rewatch it again. But if there’s one thing we can all agree on – Interstellar had some pretty stellar visuals.

all, it did get a BAFTA and an Oscar for Visual Effects. So if you
want to relive some of that wonder you felt when watching the movie
but in a more realistic setting, there’s a restaurant in Mexico you
should definitely visit.

restaurant is located in Mexico City, Mexico and it took three
different creative studios to design this place located inside the
Citibanamex Center. The idea was to design something that will offer
a dining experience that will feel truly out of this world.

took 250,000 uniquely designed and very specifically positioned LED
lights to convert a 200 square meter room into something that looks
like outer space magic. The lights line the walls and ceilings of the
restaurant and create 3D shapes that truly change the space around
them and make you feel like you might be floating in space. The
tables here are mirrored so the reflections of the light only add to
the overall magic of the place.

But it’s not all about lights, there’s also the famous bookshelf that’s been recreated to look similar to the one in the movie, complete with flying books suspended in midair to give you that feeling of weightlessness and zero gravity that is shown in the movie.

on top of that, the actual food here is to die for and if you’re
even in Mexico this place is a must-see. It’ll be an unforgettable
experience you’ll remember for the rest of your life. Cause while
you can rewatch the movie on DVD or online, nothing will compare to
actually having a meal in a place that looks so out of this world and
so stunning.

You’ll be telling your friends, family and co-workers about it for months afterwards and we bet they’ll be very jealous that they weren’t there with you to enjoy such an experience. In fact, we’d go as far as saying that it’s worth planning a trip to Mexico around this Interstellar themed gem.

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