Super Realistic And Extra Cute Felt Animals By Russian Artist

Woodland vibes are the best kind of vibes. I for one would love to be surrounded by cute woodland creatures at all times. If you see anything that involves bunnies, baby deer, cute raccoons, squirrels, foxes, hedgehogs, bear cubs, little ducklings, etc – just sign me up, count me in, I’m always up for that kind of thing. So imagine my level of excitement when I came across this Instagram account of incredibly realistic looking felted animals.

fluffy little animals are made by a Russian artist Yulia
Derevschikova using a special wool felting technique. The result is
both incredibly realistic and almost ethereal at the same time. These
felted animals will stun you and make you feel like you stepped into
a fairy tale world. Honestly, at this point, Disney should be

kind of work takes a lot of time, passion and dedication. It takes
Yulia around 20 hours of work to make one animal and it’s her
attention to detail that makes these creatures look like they are
real living animals.

has accumulated over 100k followers on Instagram and now has her own
online shop where you can buy yourself one of her adorable felted
animals to make your home look more like the woodland wonderland you
might be dreaming of.

This little hamster’s name is Cupcake, he’s the harvest keeper.
You can see his friend gopher Al on the right.

Little hamster | Super Realistic And Extra Cute Felt Animals By Russian Artist | Brain Berries

Baby fawn looks right at home there, doesn’t it?

Baby fawn | Super Realistic And Extra Cute Felt Animals By Russian Artist | Brain Berries

This little bunny was made to order. His name is Sweety.

 Little bunny | Super Realistic And Extra Cute Felt Animals By Russian Artist | Brain Berries

Doesn’t this ginger bunny look like something you might come across
in your garden or at the park?

Ginger bunny | Super Realistic And Extra Cute Felt Animals By Russian Artist | Brain Berries

An adorable squirrel to brighten up your day. Don’t you wish you
could actually have a pet one?

Adorable squirrel | Super Realistic And Extra Cute Felt Animals By Russian Artist | Brain Berries

Felted wool hedgehogs are the cutest hedgehogs in the world. With
these little guys, you don’t have to worry about being pricked
since they’re so soft and fluffy.

Wool hedgehog | Super Realistic And Extra Cute Felt Animals By Russian Artist | Brain Berries

This sly little red fox was made to order and already has a home, but
we bet you wouldn’t say no to one.

Sly little red fox | Super Realistic And Extra Cute Felt Animals By Russian Artist | Brain Berries

Who knew dwarf antelope babies look this cute? And this one seems to
have an attitude too, which makes it even more adorable.

Dwarf antelope babies | Super Realistic And Extra Cute Felt Animals By Russian Artist | Brain Berries

Doesn’t this little fawn look just like Bambi?

Little fawn Bambi | Super Realistic And Extra Cute Felt Animals By Russian Artist | Brain Berries

This baby goat was made to order and it’s called Snowflake. A very
fitting name in our humble opinion.

Baby goat | Super Realistic And Extra Cute Felt Animals By Russian Artist | Brain Berries

Skunks can be super cute too. This one was made to order and already
has a very loving home.

 Skunks | Super Realistic And Extra Cute Felt Animals By Russian Artist | Brain Berries

It’s kind of freaky how real this duckling looks. We could’ve
sworn it was an actual bird.

Duckling | Super Realistic And Extra Cute Felt Animals By Russian Artist | Brain Berries

Racoons have a bad reputation but you can’t help but adore them,
those little hands make them so human-like.

Racoons | Super Realistic And Extra Cute Felt Animals By Russian Artist | Brain Berries

Is that a mouse or a hamster? We’re not sure but either way, it’s
pretty darn cute.

Mouse or a hamster | Super Realistic And Extra Cute Felt Animals By Russian Artist | Brain Berries

15. If only there was such a thing as miniature bears. We’d all be happy to see them roaming around our garden, or is it just me?

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