9 Movies Brad Pitt Ruined

Brad Pitt is a great
actor when he wants to be and when he puts in the effort. During his long
career in Hollywood, he got to play some amazing parts and did a great job.
It’s hard to imagine anyone else but him playing that iconic role in Fight
Club, he was absolutely incredible in Inglourious Basterds. Many still drool
over him in the movie Interview With a Vampire and his role in Snatch is pretty
memorable too. But he’s been in some bad movies too, and this list is just a
reminder that not every movie can be saved by Brad Pitt being in it.

1. Cutting Class

Cutting Class was a dark
comedy slasher and one of the first movies that had Brad Pitt in the credits.
However, the movie itself was bad, to say the least, and Brad’s acting here was
absolutely awful. We’re not sure if it’s because he hasn’t honed in on his
acting skills just yet at that point or if it’s because he knew it was gonna be
bad so he didn’t put in the effort.

2. Burn After Reading

It’s a Cohen brothers
movie, so there’s a cult following around it, but we think that Brad’s acting
was just not in line with the rest of the movie. He was just so upbeat and
weird that it took away from the overall mood of the movie. We were kind of
relieved when his character was killed off.

3. Mr & Mrs Smith

You might remember the
fact that this was the movie that became the beginning of the end of Pitt’s
relationship with Jennifer Anniston. Soon after it came out they broke up and
he officially became romantically involved with Angelina Jolie. Sure, their
chemistry in the movie is unmistakable, but since that’s not acting, it’s not
very impressive, and while the rumors about their affair created a lot of hype
for the movie, the actual film didn’t do so well in the box office.

4. The Counselor

If this is the first time
you hear about this movie – there’s a good reason for it. It has a cast full of
stars yet the movie makes absolutely no sense. We’re not sure how Ridley Scott,
the director, managed that, but he did. And while it’s not just Brad Pitt to
blame, he definitely did nothing to save the movie, in fact, he didn’t even
need to be there.

5. Meet Joe Black

This is a weird one.
Some people love it, some people hate this movie, but if there’s one thing we
can agree on is that it was very long. Way longer than it needed to be. And
even Brad Pitt’s pretty face couldn’t save it. In fact, his acting in this
particular film made it feel even longer than it actually was.

6. Cool World

Cool World is an old
movie, so old that most people forgot about its existence and for good reason.
It’s essentially a more adult version of Jessica Rabbit, but with a weaker
plot, worse acting and inexplicably cringe-worthy scenes with Brad Pitt and a
cartoon version of Kim Basinger.

7. Johnny Suede

Oh my god, this movie.
You kind of need to see it to understand how bad it is and how Brad Pitt ruined
it. His acting is just so cringe in it, you will be physically uncomfortable
when watching it. I personally can’t watch it without covering my eyes and
looking through my fingers, that’s how bad it is. He should’ve said no to this

8. The Mexican

The Mexican was an awful
movie. Everything about it was bad, the script, the acting, the story. Brad
Pitt’s part was not believable at all and some people would even go as far as
to say it might’ve been better off without him.

9. By The Sea

By The Sea is a movie directed by Angeline Jolie. We’re pretty sure Brad only did it because of that. It was a weird attempt at an art film with a European feel to it, but it just bombed so bad. Many say it turned out so bad because Brad and Angelina’s relationship was crumbling at the time so working together was just awkward as hell and the result was a massive flop.

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