10 Awesome Qualities of Women Who Enjoy Being Alone

There are certain
kinds of ladies who always feel the need to be out and about with
their large entourage of friends. On the other hand, there are plenty
of women who feel more comfortable spending most of their time by
themselves. It’s not to say they are loners, outcasts, or psychos.
In fact, when they do meet up with friends, they are completely
normal. In fact, they are just as social and extroverted as anybody.
It is just that their socialization must come on their own terms.
With that in mind, here’s a look at 10 positive characteristics of
women who like spending a lot of time alone.

1. They are more
emotionally stable

It might seem
intuitive to assume that women who spent a lot of time alone would be
more neurotic and anxious, but studies have actually found that the
opposite is true. On the whole, they feel far less stress than social
butterflies. It could be that their alone-time allows for more
reflection. In addition, being alone means they aren’t being forced
to deal with the drama that inevitably comes with belonging to a
large social circle.

They are more emotionally stable | 10 Awesome Qualities of Women Who Enjoy Being Alone | Brain Berries

2. Being single
doesn’t trouble them

One possible
explanation is that women who enjoy a lot of alone time might feel
that relationships could get in the way of their current goals. They
would rather figure out who they are and what they want out of life
before they decide to commit themselves to a partner. They are more
selective about who they date, and if they aren’t satisfied in the
relationship, they won’t hesitate to break it off. In addition,
since they only keep a few friends, they don’t feel pressured to be
in a relationship just for the sake of it.

Being single doesn’t trouble them | 10 Awesome Qualities of Women Who Enjoy Being Alone | Brain Berries

3. They are more
careful about the company they keep

This another
characteristic that is easy to explain. If they are electing to keep
to themselves, it means they are much more deliberate about the type
of people they choose to hang out with. As a result, their friends
tend to be more trustworthy and less likely to lead them down the
wrong path.

They are more careful about the company they keep | 10 Awesome Qualities of Women Who Enjoy Being Alone | Brain Berries

4. They make for
more meaningful friends

This characteristic
goes hand-in-hand with the previous one. The fact that they are
seeking out meaningful friends means they themselves have many of the
great qualities that people look for in a friend. Since they have a
limited number of close friends, they take the time to really get to
know them and help them out when they are experiencing difficulties
in their lives.

They make for more meaningful friends | 10 Awesome Qualities of Women Who Enjoy Being Alone | Brain Berries

5. They are more

It might seem
intuitive to assume that if a person prefers a lot of alone time, it
means they live in their own bubble and aren’t open to new ideas.
But this couldn’t be further from the truth. They are neither
stubborn nor set in their own ways; they are always looking for ways
to improve themselves, even when it means leaving their comfort zone
and trying new things.

They are more open-minded | 10 Awesome Qualities of Women Who Enjoy Being Alone | Brain Berries

6. They make
really awesome girlfriends

When they make the
decision to get into a relationship, they will go out of their way to
make it work. They don’t give their contact information out to
every person that comes up to them, but when they do date, they do it
with the best intentions. If the partner shows loyalty, they will
reciprocate and make them a major focal point of their life.

They make really awesome girlfriends | 10 Awesome Qualities of Women Who Enjoy Being Alone | Brain Berries

7. They have
fewer insecurities

Most women who
choose to spend a lot of time alone don’t do it because they have a
complex; it’s quite the opposite. They don’t log onto Facebook or
Instagram to count the number of “likes” for that latest
sepia-toned photo of their morning latte. They are more likely to
accept themselves and even embrace who they are compared to women who
belong to a large social circle. They acknowledge their flaws and
either recognize that everybody has them, or they will make an effort
to improve themselves.

They have fewer insecurities | 10 Awesome Qualities of Women Who Enjoy Being Alone | Brain Berries

8. They are more

Women who prefer to
be alone are used to solving their own problems. Over the course of
their lives they have learned how to deal with situations and
therefore they don’t use other people or depend on them for help.
Along the same lines, they feel uncomfortable when others do try to
do things for them since it’s not something they are accustomed to.

They are more self-reliant | 10 Awesome Qualities of Women Who Enjoy Being Alone | Brain Berries

9. They are very
creative and eager to learn

These women make the
most of their free time, especially since they spend most of it by
themselves. They take the opportunity to learn something new, such as
playing an instrument, painting, or learning a language. Being alone
gives them the freedom to concentrate on their passions without being
distracted by others.

They are very creative and eager to learn | 10 Awesome Qualities of Women Who Enjoy Being Alone | Brain Berries

10. Their lives will not be dictated by others

This is perhaps the biggest takeaway when it comes to women who enjoy alone time. They set their rules as they see fit, and they won’t let others tell them what they should be doing in their lives, who they should be dating, what they should be wearing, or anything else. Again, this isn’t to say that they aren’t willing to make improvements, but ultimately whatever changes they make will be done on their own terms.

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