Top 8 Male Movie Icons of the 70s

There’s no running from old age. We’ll all be there, hopefully, but when you’re a big deal in your prime, people look at you differently when you’re 70. These 8 actors have been huge heartthrobs during their best years, and some would say they’ve still got the charm to this day!

Here are the top 8 male movie icons of the 70s.

Robert Redford

Redford was a big name in the 60s thanks to the smash hit that was “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid,” but the real fame came when he dot to star in “The Sting” (1973). He’s almost 80 years old today and has starred in more movies than I can count. Not only that, but he’s also tried directing and producing some films too!

Robert Redford | Top 8 Male Movie Icons of the 70s | Brain Berries

Michael Landon

Do you remember “Bonanza”? Eh, probably not. Well, Michael Landon was a real treat for your eyes in that movie. It helped him get a huge fan following and eventually lead to him earned a Golden Globe nomination in 1979. Sadly. Landon died at the age of 51 in 1991, but his son Michael Landon Jr. is keeping the torch lit. He even took it upon himself to direct a film about the life of his dad, titled “Michael Landon, the Father I Knew.”

Michael Landon | Top 8 Male Movie Icons of the 70s | Brain Berries

John Travolta

“Grease” is one of those movies that you won’t be able to get out of your head for years. And that’s thanks to John Travolta’s stunning performance. This was back in the 70s, and women melted like ice cream under the sun watching him dance. Today Travolta is not that popular, but the 90s and 00s were very generous to his career.

John Travolta | Top 8 Male Movie Icons of the 70s | Brain Berries

Clint Eastwood

It’s the Dirty Harry himself – Clint Eastwood, the legendary spaghetti Western star of the 60s and onward. Nowadays he’s 85, has won a ton of awards over the years, raised a son who looks just like him, and is still doing movies!

Clint Eastwood | Top 8 Male Movie Icons of the 70s | Brain Berries

Michael Caine

Unlike the rest of the blokes on this list, Michael Caine is from England, which means he’s rocking that gorgeous accent the Americans love so much. In fact, he’s one of the greatest English actors of the XX century! Why else would he be knighted by Queen Elizabeth II? What’s he up to now? Just some Batman and Kingsman movies, no big deal.

Michael Caine | Top 8 Male Movie Icons of the 70s | Brain Berries

Tom Selleck

“Magnum P.I.,” the original one, starred this 6’4” hunk of a man, rocking one of the most iconic mustaches of all time. You may also remember him from “Friends,” where he played Monica’s, ideal man. And of course, he’s playing Jesse Stone in all those TV movies you’ve never watched!

Tom Selleck | Top 8 Male Movie Icons of the 70s | Brain Berries

Burt Reynolds

Just like Tom Selleck, Burt had an amazing ‘stache, that worked on all women like a big hairy bait. “Smokey and the Bandit” was one of his greatest early movies, and it holds up still. As a 79-year-old grandpa, Reynolds has no intention of slowing down, it seems, starring in movies, TV shows all the time!

Burt Reynolds | Top 8 Male Movie Icons of the 70s | Brain Berries

Harrison Ford

Arguably, the most prolific actor on this list is Harrison Ford. I mean, he’s Indiana Jones and Han Solo! You can’t bet hotter than those two. It’s been decades, and he’s still starring in “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull” as well as the new “Star Wars” movies. Well, One movie, but it doesn’t matter! He’s still the best.

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