8 Impressive Sue Beatrice Sculptures

Sue Beatrice is a professional artist based in Sea Cliff, New York, who has spent more than 30 years perfecting her craft. She’s used her talents to create commercial sculpting for top studios like Disney, Warner Bros., and Dreamworks as well as for Hasbro Toys and Frankford Candy & Chocolates. She is the owner of All Natural Arts, where she sells steampunk-inspired antique pocket watches and jewelry. Let’s take a look at some of her work, shall well?

1. Skeleton

Isn’t it cute when
skeletons fall in love? When you’re goth, yes! For the rest of us,
this might look a bit creepy, but who can fault skeletons for having
the same biological urges that living people have?

Skeleton Love | 8 Impressive Sue Beatrice Sculptures | Brain Berries

2. Frankenstein’s

This amazing pocket
watch – featuring a spooky scene from Frankenstein where the
monster is being created – is made from watch parts and an antique
case that dates back to the 1800s.

Frankenstein’s Monster | 8 Impressive Sue Beatrice Sculptures | Brain Berries

3. Mermaid

This handmade Sea
Dragon Mermaid necklace comes in sterling silver or bronze and is
available for purchase. A mermaid is really the best of both worlds:
you have a woman’s upper body (along with her cheeky personality)
combined with the tail of a fish, making her an excellent swimmer. I
have always believed in mermaids, and here is my evidence: if you
approach an attractive girl, ask her if she’s a mermaid, and she
denies it, then she must be!

Mermaid Dreams | 8 Impressive Sue Beatrice Sculptures | Brain Berries

4. A
Dignified Doggy

For this pocket
watch Man – and woman’s (!!!) – best friend has been entirely
assembled from antique watch parts. He has a look of wonder and
curiosity in his eyes. You might be asking, “Who’s a good boy,
huh? Who’s a good boy?” The answer is obvious: he’s a good boy!
Except that time when he chewed up your iPhone. And ripped up your
sofa cushions. And everything else that he’s done to make your life
complicated. But other than that, he’s a good boy!

A Dignified Doggy | 8 Impressive Sue Beatrice Sculptures | Brain Berries

5. Street

This watch sculpture
captures the joys and spontaneity of street photography. Oh, is
somebody watching there dog over there? Better snap a photo of it and
put it on Instagram so it gets millions of likes, reminding you that
you are worth something to this world! In all seriousness, the cool
thing about this sculpture is that as you turn the watch in your
hand, it dramatically changes the look of the scene.

Street Photography | 8 Impressive Sue Beatrice Sculptures | Brain Berries

6. A
Holiday Feast

This sculpture
celebrities the gluttonry that we all take part in during the holiday
seasons. Check out the glass of wine, grapes and desserts! As with
the other sculptures, everything is made entirely from antique watch

A Holiday Feast | 8 Impressive Sue Beatrice Sculptures | Brain Berries

7. Something
For the Dorks and Nerds

If you are a geek,
you were probably panicking and thinking to yourself,
“But…but…but where are the sculptures for those of us who still
live in our parents’ basements?” Well, here’s your answer! This
Star Trek pocket watch sculpture features the USS Enterprise zooming
across the galaxy on one side, and the Starfleet insignia on the
other side. According to Sue, somebody who attended a Star Trek
exhibit in California tumbled into a glass display case holding this
precious sculpture, and in the process shattered the watch crystal.
As a result, it was sent back to Sue for repair.

Something For the Dorks and Nerds | 8 Impressive Sue Beatrice Sculptures | Brain Berries

8. Penguin

Who among us doesn’t love penguins? Let’s take this question a step further: who among us doesn’t love penguins who are in love? To demonstrate their affection, one of the penguins giftwrapped a tuna and gave it to their companion! Cue the penguin baby-making music!

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