The Best Bald Actors of Hollywood

has given us some memorable actors over the years, and some of them
will be locked in our collective memory for generations to come. And
since we want to do something for the bald people in the world today,
let’s take a look at some amazing bald actors that Hollywood has
given us.

specific reason, really. Let’s just look at the bald ones.


Hard put this man on the map and he’s done dozens of action movies
over the last decades. He’s never really left the forefront and
still has some projects running, although I’m 80% sure there won’t
be another Die Hard movie anytime soon.

Bruce Willis | The Best Bald Actors of Hollywood | Brain Berries


since The Rock got his own production house, it does seem like he
does two or three big movies every year, doesn’t it? Well, they
keep us entertained so who are we to complain!

Dwayne Johnson | The Best Bald Actors of Hollywood | Brain Berries

L. Jackson

recently known as Nick Fury but mostly known for being Shaft or that
guy that really hates it when snakes turn up on his plane or when
people don’t speak English. Sam Jackson has given us dozens of
iconic roles and given them all his unique touch, and we all hope
he’ll be acting for at least a few more decades.

Samuel L. Jackson | The Best Bald Actors of Hollywood | Brain Berries


you know him as Jean-Luc Picard or as Charles Xavier, it’s hard to
imagine you’ve had a lot of experience in watching movies without
having heard of the gem that is Patrick Stewart. Also, the man is the
source for dozens of memes.

Patrick Stewart | The Best Bald Actors of Hollywood | Brain Berries


isn’t as big a name as some of the other people on this list, but
he’s earned his name as an entertaining action movie actor. He
always plays the same character, but it’s always a fun character,
so I guess it works.

Jason Statham | The Best Bald Actors of Hollywood | Brain Berries

Vin Diesel

Ironically, Vin’s most iconic roles are the ones where he hardly speaks: Iron Giant and Guardians of the Galaxy. I mean, there was that movie series about being speedy and angry or something like that. They made at least three of those.

Vin Diesel | The Best Bald Actors of Hollywood | Brain Berries

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