A Tragic But Entirely Preventable Story About a Dog

Hussein has a story to share with the world. Well, it is probably
more accurate to say that we’re taking Mr. Hussein’s story and
adding a bit of a twist to it. But let’s back up and provide some
context. The artist really digs long exposure photography, but he
wanted to create a project that uses this technique in ways that were
unique and meaningful. So what did he do? First, he switched off the
lights and took a long exposure photo, then turned them on again to
get the background. The result was something like a holograph
hovering above. Seemed pretty cool. But given his abilities as an
illustrator, he knew it could find even more inspiration. So he drew
his own holograms, snapped pictures of them, and used them to tell

First, he drew illustrations of his dog using photoshop on a black background, put the images on his phone, and placed it wherever he wanted his pet to be. Using some additional wizardry, he was able to make the screen and phone invisible in the dark. Then he said, “let there be light!” and took pictures of the room according to the story’s narrative. It took him three days to complete the work, but once he finished he no doubt found time to bask in the glory. But even in his excitement, it should be noted that the story is actually pretty sad, and it was based on actual events. So you might want to grab some Kleenex to blow your nose while you follow along.

A Tragic But Entirely Preventable Story About a Dog #3 | Brain Berries

Once upon a time I was hurrying over to the sofa so I could catch the latest episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians when suddenly a little dog spawned seemingly from nowhere, although it’s almost certain that he came from another dimension.

took a great interest in my sketches. Or more likely he was just a
happy little doggy who likes to wag his tail when given attention.

A Tragic But Entirely Preventable Story About a Dog #4 | Brain Berries

Hey, that’s not how you type on a keyboard! See what I did there? I’m pretending like the doggy is intending to do the assignment but getting the technique wrong. In reality, he lacks self-awareness about such things. He’s just standing on the keyboard because it’s a nice, comfortable spot.

A Tragic But Entirely Preventable Story About a Dog #5 | Brain Berries

My doggy is tired after a long day of solving calculus equations. Not really. He’s sleeping because that’s what dogs need to do about 13 hours each day.

A Tragic But Entirely Preventable Story About a Dog #66 | Brain Berries

that I’m scratching his chin and not yours? I know you are!

A Tragic But Entirely Preventable Story About a Dog #6 | Brain Berries

you have to bribe a doggy a bone in order to get anything done.

A Tragic But Entirely Preventable Story About a Dog #7 | Brain Berries

oh. What are you up to down there? I sure hope you aren’t planning
to chew on the electrical cord and accidentally murder yourself.

A Tragic But Entirely Preventable Story About a Dog #8 | Brain Berries

God! You really did electrocute yourself!

A Tragic But Entirely Preventable Story About a Dog #9 | Brain Berries

is exactly what I predicted you’d do, although I was just joking!
Well, it certainly speaks well of my psychic abilities.

A Tragic But Entirely Preventable Story About a Dog #10 | Brain Berries

I’ve also solidified myself as the world’s worst pet owner. A
loving lick from my deceased doggy is my only consolation.

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