Beards Based On Your Zodiac Sign

With beards gaining
more and more popularity and reading horoscopes becoming one of the least
popular things in the world, it only makes sense that we’d try to combine the
two and see what happens. Either we all start caring about Zodiac signs or we
stop caring about beards. Either way, society will evolve to its next level.

Join me in my little
social experiment and let’s find out which beard styles best fit your Zodiac


Aries prefer life the
simple way, so a good clean shave won’t hurt.

Aries | Beards Based On Your Zodiac Sign | Brain Berries


A nice, full, manly
beard is best for a Taurus. These confident and strong men need to show off
their facial hair!

Taurus | Beards Based On Your Zodiac Sign | Brain Berries


Remade famous by RDJ’s
Iron Man, a circle beard really looks great on a Gemini and brings out their
creative personality.

Gemini | Beards Based On Your Zodiac Sign | Brain Berries


The clever Cancer is
best off going for a Bandholz style – he’ll be sure to turn quite a few heads
that way!

Cancer | Beards Based On Your Zodiac Sign | Brain Berries


A decent Leo needs to look raw and wild, so any kind of long unkempt beard will be fine.

Leo | Beards Based On Your Zodiac Sign | Brain Berries


A proper extended
goatee is perfect for the Virgo man. It’s not too short, not too long and it
looks great on every outfit.

Virgo | Beards Based On Your Zodiac Sign | Brain Berries


A Libra is best off
with a proper anchor beard.  It’s
balanced and unusual, much like a typical Libra.

Libra | Beards Based On Your Zodiac Sign | Brain Berries


Scorpio males can’t go
wrong with a nice stubble.

Scorpio | Beards Based On Your Zodiac Sign | Brain Berries


Much like the Aries, a
Sagittarius is best off sticking to a nice clean shave. Sometimes, the best
beard is just to have no beard at all.

Sagittarius | Beards Based On Your Zodiac Sign | Brain Berries


Goatees and Capricorn
go together like it’s nobody’s business.

Capricorn | Beards Based On Your Zodiac Sign | Brain Berries


A proper Aquarius,
being a man of the water, requires a Viking beard the likes of which the world
has never seen before.

Aquarius | Beards Based On Your Zodiac Sign | Brain Berries


I mean, if your Zodiac sign literally means fish, you’d better be going for that Jason Momoa-style Aquaman beard.

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