10 Best Action Movies With Strong Female Lead Characters

movies are often associated with strong male characters, since that’s
what pretty much happened in the hay day of action movies – the
90’s. In recent years we’ve seen more and more action movies use
women as their lead character. And it’s been such a good move for
the genre as a whole.

you want to know what some of the best action movies with female
leads are, just keep on reading.


first DC Universe movie that was actually good and allowed them to
gain a foot next to the seemingly invincible MCU. Gal Gadot does an
amazing job as this modern version of Wonder Woman, and the next
movie should be coming along in the next year or so.

Wonder Woman | 10 Best Action Movies With Strong Female Lead Characters | Brain Berries


last non-MCU X-Men movie has Sansa Stark get possessed by the Phoenix
Force, which makes her one of the strongest mutants and a danger to
the entire world. If that sounds like an X-Men movie we’ve already
seen before, it’s because it is. But this time, it’s with the new

Dark Phoenix | 10 Best Action Movies With Strong Female Lead Characters | Brain Berries

Hunger Games

all seen at least parts of this movie series with Jennifer Lawrence
as Katniss Everdeen, right? This action movie deals with a dystopian
future (aren’t they all?) where young people are being used as
tribute for, well, basically killing each other until one person is
left standing.

The Hunger Games | 10 Best Action Movies With Strong Female Lead Characters | Brain Berries


you’re into John Wick, this is basically a spy version of John Wick
with Charlize Theron as the main lead.

Atomic Blonde | 10 Best Action Movies With Strong Female Lead Characters | Brain Berries


Thurman plays the main character in this amazing kung fu movie by
Quentin Tarantino. I’m sure you’ve already seen this one, but
watch it again just in case.

Kill Bill | 10 Best Action Movies With Strong Female Lead Characters | Brain Berries


not the Angelina Jolie one. The new Alicia Vikander movie actually
follows the newer video games almost to the letter, which means it’s
also as good and as entertaining as the video game.

Tomb Raider | 10 Best Action Movies With Strong Female Lead Characters | Brain Berries

Wars: The Force Awakens

to Disney, we finally have a female lead in Star Wars movies. I know,
we had Leia back in the original trilogy and Padmé in the prequels,
but this is the first time we have a named, important female
character that carries a lightsaber.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens | 10 Best Action Movies With Strong Female Lead Characters | Brain Berries


first MCU movie to revolve around a female superhero. This was pretty
much Marvel’s response to Wonder Woman. While it wasn’t the best
MCU film, it is a very entertaining one.

Captain Marvel | 10 Best Action Movies With Strong Female Lead Characters | Brain Berries


been like 15 of these, right? They’re mildly entertaining and they
go from somewhat realistic to downright absurd as the series
progresses. The first one is still a pretty decent zombie horror
movie, although the CGI might be a bit dated at this point.

Resident Evil | 10 Best Action Movies With Strong Female Lead Characters | Brain Berries


Probably the first big action movie with a female lead, Alien has Sigourney Weaver take on a bunch of Xenomorphs, only to somehow become their queen in later movies. I have no idea how that worked, it’s been a while since I’ve seen them. Maybe I should binge these again.

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