6 Actors That Only Had One Good Movie

actors, sadly, dabble in mediocrity. Whenever you see their name
attached to a movie, you avoid it like the plague and move on to the
next. But even those mediocre actors sometimes just absolutely nail a

take a look at some mediocre actors that had one amazing movie.

Marlon Wayans – Requiem
For A Dream

is mostly known for doing things like Scary
or White
, so having him act in a more
serious role is surely a weird sight to behold. He does it
surprisingly well though and really proves in Requiem
For A Dream
that he can do the more
dramatic acting too.

Marlon Wayans – Requiem For A Dream | 6 Actors That Only Had One Good Movie | Brain Berries

Seagal –
Under Siege

gotta give credit where credit is due, but Under
is a good movie. You don’t need
to expect much in terms of story, but at least this Seagal movie
isn’t cringeworthy to watch.

Steven Seagal – Under Siege | 6 Actors That Only Had One Good Movie | Brain Berries

Alba –
Sin City

Alba was the actress that was mostly known for just picking the wrong
movies. They all sounded good on paper but just turned out terrible.
Sin City was the one exception to that rule.

Jessica Alba – Sin City | 6 Actors That Only Had One Good Movie | Brain Berries

Christensen –
Shattered Glass

Hayden being forever known as Anakin Skywalker, his best movie was
Shattered Glass.
The movie released in between episode II and III, but sadly the
reception to the Star Wars prequels was so bad that it permanently
ruined Christensen’s career.

Hayden Christensen – Shattered Glass | 6 Actors That Only Had One Good Movie | Brain Berries

James –

Kevin James right now is mostly known for doing some typical “fat
guy does stuff and falls down a lot” movies, he was actually decent
in Hitch.
We won’t claim the Will Smith comedy was a memorable movie, but at
least it’s better than Paul Blart:
Mall Cop

Kevin James – Hitch | 6 Actors That Only Had One Good Movie | Brain Berries

Sandler –
Punch-Drunk Love

Well, Adam Sandler is probably the Nickelback of actors, but he did make a stellar movie with Punch-Drunk Love. The movie has him play a more serious role without trying to make 12-year-olds giggle, which worked surprisingly well for Sandler.

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