10 Awesome Medieval Knights You’ve Never Heard Of

One of my hobbies over the past six months has been collecting
medieval art memes. There’s something about the weird faces and
over-the-top expressions in those paintings that really resonates
with me and makes for great memes.

And then, because I’m prone to go down rabbit holes of internet
surfing, I started researching the stories of medieval knights.

Here are 10 awesome medieval knights you’ve never heard of before!

Gilbert De Clare

So, this guy’s story is a very stereotypical English knight. He’s
a descendant of William the Conqueror, and his big contribution to
history is the failed campaign to conquer Scotland in 1314. The night
before the big battle he was having a fight and losing. He was called
a coward.

The next day, to prove that he had no fear,
he led the charge against the Scots. He quickly found himself
surrounded and separated from his army-mates and killed. He was the
first Earl to be killed in a battle in 50 years.

Whether you think this was brave or stupid, here’s a knight that
was definitely kinda awesome. He had a real dedication to
being brave until his death.

Gilbert De Clare | 10 Awesome Medieval Knights You’ve Never Heard Of | Brain Berries

Thomas Of Lancaster

So, like, this is another knight that served under King Edward II.
It’s common knowledge (amongst history buffs, not us, common
people) that Edward II was very susceptible to being influenced by
other people who knew how to manipulate him.

So, Thomas of Lancaster was one of the people who was a key figure in
imposing limitations to the things Eddy II could and couldn’t do.
He was also involved in the execution of one of Edward’s closest

When he rebelled against one of the families that had a particularly
large influence on Edward II (the Despenser family), he was tried for
treason and executed.

The lesson here is to be careful when rebelling against people that
have so much influence on the reigning king, but also in the absolute
necessity to stand up for what is right.

Thomas Of Lancaster | 10 Awesome Medieval Knights You’ve Never Heard Of | Brain Berries

Henry Of Grosmont

Henry was the nephew of Thomas of Lancaster. He was equally brave and
equally stubborn. He loved jousting, and one time decided it would be
fun to celebrate the Christmas of 1341 by ousting without armor.
Needless to say, the competition has resulted in two deaths and a lot
of serious injuries, but Henry of Grosmont came out unscathed. He was
that good at the sport.

Henry Of Grosmont | 10 Awesome Medieval Knights You’ve Never Heard Of | Brain Berries

Andrew Harclay

Here’s one of the knights that played a key role in the capture and
execution of Thomas of Lancaster. When Lancaster was about to rebel,
he approached Andrew and asked him to be on his side. But Andrew was
more loyal to the king than to his friend Thomas, and so it was his
knights that captured Thomas (which led to Thomas’s execution later

The lesson here is that for some people — principle is everything.
Avoid people like these in your life. Anyone who sees life in black
and white, right and wrong, with no room for “gray areas” is not
a truly reliable friend.

Andrew Harclay | 10 Awesome Medieval Knights You’ve Never Heard Of | Brain Berries

William De Warenne

Here’s a story of a knight that made a name for himself by becoming
super tight buddies with the king. Being friends with the king got
him a lot of tax exemptions (making him and his family rich), and in
1135 he was one of the people who escorted the king’s body and
prepared for its burial.

So yeah, history is full of people who like to be friends with the
powerful for personal gain. I’m not saying it’s “awesome” to
be that way, but it is awesome to see that this kind of thing isn’t
just something that we have in the corrupt governments of the 21st
century. It’s nice to know we’re not getting worse,
although it is depressing that we’re not getting better.

William De Warenne | 10 Awesome Medieval Knights You’ve Never Heard Of | Brain Berries

Aymer De Valence

So, with the two polar opposites of Thomas of Lancaster and Andrew
Harclay (reminder: one captured the other for being disloyal to an
incompetent king), there has to be room for someone in the middle.
That would be Aymer De Valence. He was one of the knights who was
considered to be in the “middle ground”, both loyal to the king,
and perfectly aware that Edward II wasn’t the best king in the

So, Aymer took a lot of things into his own hands, and was considered
to be one of the knights that kept the kingdom in order during the
reign of Edward II.

So yeah, you don’t have to be a King to be doing your kingdom the
favor of ruling it reasonable.

Aymer De Valence | 10 Awesome Medieval Knights You’ve Never Heard Of | Brain Berries

Roger De Mortimer

Here’s a knight that didn’t care much for the rules and
traditions of knighthood. In fact, he cared so little, that between
1264 and 1267 (during the Baronial War), he flipped sides six times.
Needless to say, he ended up on the “winning” side at the end of
the civil war.

Roger De Mortimer | 10 Awesome Medieval Knights You’ve Never Heard Of | Brain Berries

Henry Percy

Here’s a person who’s lack of ambition did him a lot of good! His
territory was on the border with the Scots, but unlike all the other
knights, he didn’t want to expand his land by taking land away from
the Scots. This proved to be a very good position for him, because in
1362 the king’s opinion of him was so high, that the king trusted
him to negotiate with the Scots on his behalf!

The lesson here is that if you refrain from being mean to your
neighbors, your patience can be seen as a great character trait and
bring you more benefits.

Henry Percy | 10 Awesome Medieval Knights You’ve Never Heard Of | Brain Berries

Thomas De Beauchamp

Here’s a guy whose military reputation was so great, that when
opposing armies heard that he was the general during an upcoming
battle — they just gave up.

That’s it. That’s the whole story. This knight was awesome!

Thomas De Beauchamp | 10 Awesome Medieval Knights You’ve Never Heard Of | Brain Berries

Jean III De Grailly

Unlike Roger de Mortimer who had a habit of switching sides during
battles, Jean III De Grailly was so loyal to the King of England,
that when the French King promised him a very large chunk of land, he
declined, unwilling to break his oath to the King of England. So, he
was arrested and died in jail in 1376 when he died of the Black

Not an inspiring story, but definitely an inspiring level of loyalty.

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