6 Fascinating Facts About Josh Brolin

Ever since his first role in “The Goonies”, Josh Brolin has become one of Hollywood’s top requested actors… but with a bit of a delay. In reality, however, there was a considerable gap between his first and second movies. But it’s not that bad, the fact that he’s getting even more popular after being in the biz for over thirty years is the proof that he’s an astounding actor! Did you know he played two separate and completely different characters in the same movie universe? Yes, of course, I’m talking about Cable and Thanos. Let’s see what else we can discover about him!

There’s so much stuff people don’t know about his career and personal life, that I think it’s about time we unveil the 6 most fascinating facts about Josh Brolin!

1. Who is Josh Brolin?

Great actor, loving son, father, and husband, and probably an awesome friend to hang out with. Josh was born on February 12, 1968, in Los Angeles, and as mentioned earlier in 1985 he scores a role in “The Goonies”. Two years later Josh got a part in a TV show “Private Eye”, then another one in 1989 – “The Young Riders”. In 1996 came his first big gig in years in the movie “Flirting With Disaster”. In the early 2000s, his movie career blossomed, and he even got an Oscar nomination for the best supporting role in “Milk”. After that Marvel snagged him to play their mega-villain Thanos, and a couple of years later FOX offered Josh to play the time-jumping psychic mercenary Cable in their smash hit “Deadpool 2”.

 Who is Josh Brolin?   | 6 Fascinating Facts About Josh Brolin | Brain Berries

2. How Tall Is Josh Brolin?

Brolin is a real giant, compared to his co-stars. At 5 foot 10 (177.8cm), he’s basically towering over 80% of his on-screen friends. Now imagine if he and Jason Momoa (6 foot 4/193cm) were on the screen together. Oh wait, they are both starring in “Dune” (2020)!

How Tall Is Josh Brolin? | 6 Fascinating Facts About Josh Brolin | Brain Berries

3. How Old Is Josh Brolin?

It’s hard to imagine that Josh is already 51 years old when he looks 35. And that’s on a bad day! It is crazy how he’s changed in the past 30 years. Some roles required him to pump the iron, while others had him sitting in a green suit. All of them were indispensable experiences, that formed the Josh Brolin we know and love today.

 How Old Is Josh Brolin?  | 6 Fascinating Facts About Josh Brolin | Brain Berries

4. What Ethnicity Is Josh Brolin?

Josh Brolin has the best set of genes a man could ask for: English, Scottish, Swiss, and German. Did you know that after getting paid for his role in “The Goonies” he traveled to Europe and stayed there for six months? I bet he had fun visiting the land of his ancestors.

 What Ethnicity Is Josh Brolin? | 6 Fascinating Facts About Josh Brolin | Brain Berries

5. Who Is Josh Brolin Married to?

By now you should realize that Brolin is quite a catch, so it’s no surprise that he’s been married multiple times. Three, to be exact.
First marriage was with an actress Alice Adair in 1988. That marriage didn’t last long, as they got divorced 6 years later, but she gave Josh his first baby – Eden. Shortly after that, there were two babies – Eden and Trevor!
He married his second wife Diane Lane in 2004, and they’d been together for 9 years. No kids, though. I wonder why.
Kathryn Boyd and Josh got married in 2016, and guess what? He’s a daddy again! In 2018 Kathryn gave birth to baby Westlyn Reign.

 Who Is Josh Brolin Married to?  | 6 Fascinating Facts About Josh Brolin | Brain Berries

6. How Much Is Josh Brolin Worth?

Even though the “Infinity War” and the “Endgame” were the biggest movies in Brolin’s career, his net worth is not all that crazy high, sitting at around $35 million. For someone who’s starred in five different comic book franchises that amount should be like a drop in the bucket! Yes, I did say five: Thanos in the MCU, Cable in Deadpool, the titular role in Jonah Hex, agent K in MiB 3, and Dwight McCarthy in Sin City. And to add to all that, at some point, he was offered to play Batman. What an absolute mad lad!

How Much Is Josh Brolin Worth? | 6 Fascinating Facts About Josh Brolin | Brain Berries

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