11 Actors That Will Always Be Defined By That One Role

the role of a lifetime is probably a dream for every actor out there.
No matter what other things you may do in your career, be they good
or bad, people will always remember you for that one amazing
performance you gave.

take a look at some actors that will always be linked to that one
amazing role.

Hopkins – Hannibal Lecter

isn’t a person in the world that wasn’t chilled by Anthony’s
performance of the serial murderer Hannibal Lecter.

Anthony Hopkins – Hannibal Lecter | 11 Actors That Will Always Be Defined By That One Role | Brain Berries

Zellweger – Bridget Jones

be honest: I actually thought Renée Zellweger’s name was Bridget
Jones for a little while. And I’m pretty sure that if I called her
Bridget Jones now, everyone would know who I was talking about.

Renée Zellweger – Bridget Jones | 11 Actors That Will Always Be Defined By That One Role | Brain Berries

Snipes – Blade

matter what Wesley has done since then, whenever people start talking
about a new Blade movie or series, they ask for Wesley Snipes to
reprise his role. He was such a great match for the Daywalker that it
seems almost silly to not have him play Blade for the rest of his

Wesley Snipes – Blade | 11 Actors That Will Always Be Defined By That One Role | Brain Berries

Fisher – Princess Leia

in death, she will always be our Princess.

Carrie Fisher – Princess Leia | 11 Actors That Will Always Be Defined By That One Role | Brain Berries

Jackman – Wolverine

be honest: could you see anyone else playing Wolverine after how Hugh
Jackman absolutely nailed the character and made it his own? Heck,
Hugh Jackman was so good that we forgave him for not looking anything
like the comic book character, physically speaking.

Hugh Jackman – Wolverine | 11 Actors That Will Always Be Defined By That One Role | Brain Berries

Tautou – Amelie

her wonderful performance in the Da Vinci Code and other movies,
we’ll always remember Audrey Tautou as Amélie.

Audrey Tautou – Amelie | 11 Actors That Will Always Be Defined By That One Role | Brain Berries

Fraser – Rick O’Connell

done quite a few things in his acting career, but we’ll always
remember him as “that guy from The Mummy”. And considering how he
barely acted after those movies, he’s not exactly making it easy on
us to forget.

Brendan Fraser – Rick O’Connell | 11 Actors That Will Always Be Defined By That One Role | Brain Berries

Lawless – Xena

been over two decades, but Lucy Lawless has never really shook off
the Xena part. This despite her playing in shows like Spartacus,
which were aimed at a completely different audience.

Lucy Lawless – Xena | 11 Actors That Will Always Be Defined By That One Role | Brain Berries

Culkin – Kevin McCallister

let’s be honest, apart from doing lots of booze and drugs, there
really isn’t much to remember Macaulay Culkin for besides playing
in Home Alone, so I guess this one could’ve turned out differently
if Macaulay made different choices in life.

Macaulay Culkin – Kevin McCallister | 11 Actors That Will Always Be Defined By That One Role | Brain Berries

Lee – Laura Palmer

once you’ve played a popular character from Twin Peaks, you’re
pretty much always going to be that popular character from Twin
Peaks. That’s just the way it goes.

Sheryl Lee – Laura Palmer | 11 Actors That Will Always Be Defined By That One Role | Brain Berries

Radcliffe – Harry Potter

Daniel has been going to great lengths to get rid of his Harry Potter image – even doing a nude part in a theatrical performance – but he’ll always be the Boy Who Lived.

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