Could This Be The Ancient “Magic Bridge” Connecting India And Sri Lanka?

epic Ramayana is one of the oldest and most significant sacred texts
of the Hindu religion. Written around 7,000 ago by Valmiki, many
believe this text to be a mere part of the Indian mythology, while
others insist it’s a description of actual historic events. A
spectacular discovery was made by a NASA satellite that sheds some
new light on the whole matter. In Ramayana there is a mention of a
bridge built by Lord Rama and his army to cross the sea to get to Sri
Lanka. New evidence proves it actually exists!

why did Lord Rama, the future king of Ayodhya, had to gather a
spectacular army of bears and monkeys and cross the sea between India
and Sri Lanka? His lovely wife, Sita, was kidnapped by a demon named
Ravana who held her captive in a beautiful fortified city on the
territory of the modern Sri Lanka. The demon has been terrorizing all
the humans, gods, and various other beings, so it was about time
someone dealt with him.

Sea between India and Sri Lanka | Could This Be The Ancient "Magic Bridge" Connecting India And Sri Lanka? | Brain Berries

is but a small episode from the action-packed text of Ramayana that
is filled with wisdom and beauty, but it is the only one that helps
prove that the whole story isn’t just a figment of the author’s
imagination, but a depiction of actual historic events!

Ramayana | Could This Be The Ancient "Magic Bridge" Connecting India And Sri Lanka? | Brain Berries

bridge is called Rama Setu or Rama’s Bridge and it connects the
Rameshwaram Island in India with the Mannar Island in Sri Lanka.
According to Ramayana it took Rama and his army of vanara only 5 days
to execute the bridge. And yes, they were so powerful they could move
the mountains!

Rama’s Bridge | Could This Be The Ancient "Magic Bridge" Connecting India And Sri Lanka? | Brain Berries

to the recent activity of NASA’s satellite, we got some new
mind-blowing images. It appears there is something that looks exactly
like the submerged bridge between India and Sri Lanka! You can see it
clearly from space.

Rama’s Bridge from space | Could This Be The Ancient "Magic Bridge" Connecting India And Sri Lanka? | Brain Berries

satellite sent back images of largely submerged objects that,
together, form the shape of a bridge that is at least 30 miles long.
While the bridge may not seem 100% manmade at first, its structure
and date analysis prove otherwise. There’s a sandbar running
between India and Sri Lanka, and while it could be natural, the
objects sitting atop of it certainly aren’t.

The satellite Bridge images | Could This Be The Ancient "Magic Bridge" Connecting India And Sri Lanka? | Brain Berries

are separate stones that have been brought from afar – they did not
originate on top of that sand! How those stones got there remains a
mystery, although it’s most likely they were transported there. But
even more questions appeared after dating the stones – it turns out
they are much older than the sand they’re sitting on. According to
geological dating the stones are 7,000 years old, while the sand is
‘only’ 4,000 years old. This means Nature didn’t create the
bridge – humans did!

Geological dating | Could This Be The Ancient "Magic Bridge" Connecting India And Sri Lanka? | Brain Berries

A number of
scholars believe that the events of Ramayana took place around 5,000
years ago, so the timing is kind of right. But building a bridge of
such scale would be nearly impossible for people of those times.
Although everything becomes perfectly simple and logical once we
imagine that it were not humans who built the bridge, but Lord Rama
with his unusual host of talking monkeys and

Events of Ramayana and Lord Rama | Could This Be The Ancient "Magic Bridge" Connecting India And Sri Lanka? | Brain Berries

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