Celebs That Are Turning 50 This Year So You Can Feel Old Too

no better time in life than when you find out that some of the
celebrities you grew up with are turning 50. Having your idols run
around on this planet for half a century can only mean that you’re
also getting old and at least most of your good days are long behind
you by now.

take a look at some celebrities of whom we’d rather forget that
they’re turning 50 this year. But they are – trust me.


Ant-Man? Don’t worry, no one does. Anyway, Paul Rudd is turning 50
this year, which is a weird thing because he hasn’t aged a day in
over a decade.

Paul Rudd | Celebs That Are Turning 50 This Year So You Can Feel Old Too | Brain Berries


god, this one’s painful, isn’t it? She’s turning 50 and looks
fit as hell, whereas I can’t even make it to 30 without getting
fat. She’s probably a time traveler – there’s no other

Jennifer Lopez | Celebs That Are Turning 50 This Year So You Can Feel Old Too | Brain Berries


even Matthew is turning 50 this year. It’s a shame to realize that
we’ll probably have to do without his acting in a few decades.
Here’s to hoping he can keep his career going as long as Anthony
Hopkins, because he’s truly a wonderful actor.

Matthew McConaughey | Celebs That Are Turning 50 This Year So You Can Feel Old Too | Brain Berries


hasn’t aged a day since turning 26 probably, so this is kind of a
shock. I remember her being in her 20s when No Doubt had all those
hits so I guess it makes sense that she’s turning 50 this year, but
I don’t think I’m ready to accept it yet.

Gwen Stefani | Celebs That Are Turning 50 This Year So You Can Feel Old Too | Brain Berries


guess all the make-up really does allow you to cheat for 10 years,
right? Again, we all remember him having hits in the 90’s so we
can’t act too surprised, but I think – even with all the make-up
– many people would pay top dollar to look that young at 50.

Marilyn Manson | Celebs That Are Turning 50 This Year So You Can Feel Old Too | Brain Berries


one of those actors that just doesn’t seem to age. We all know
Edward from his amazing performance in Fight Club, but that’s also
been a few decades. Feel old yet? Neither does Ed!

Edward Norton | Celebs That Are Turning 50 This Year So You Can Feel Old Too | Brain Berries

Dave Grohl

Yes, even rock stars get old. The Nirvana, Foo Fighters, Queens of the Stone Age and Probot (among other projects) musician still has an energy level of someone half his age, so here’s to hoping he’ll keep on performing music until he turns 100.

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