6 Things Women Found Really Attractive in the 60’s

no bigger mystery in life than what women want. Mel Gibson even made
an entire movie about it. Yes, it was a bad movie, but I guess the
point still stands: unless a man can literally read minds, he has
almost no clue what women are thinking.

our society still has 20/20 hindsight so while we may not know what
women want today (or, God forbid, in five years), we do know what
they wanted in the 60’s. How is that information relevant to us
today? Well, we’re probably going to invent time travel sooner or
later and you never know when you’ll end up in the 60’s having to
hit on a woman. Thank me later.


can probably single-handedly thank David Bowie for this, but back in
the late 60’s androgynous styles were considered to be extremely
sexy. Of course the slightly longer hair of The Beatles, for example,
helped blur the lines between what was considered to be manly and


hair for men has only had a few short decades where it was popular,
and what started in the 60’s died out very quickly in the late
80’s. It was a rebellious statement to make, and the style was
quickly adopted by what we’d now call hippies. The long hair
instantly showed women which men were more rebellious and which were
more traditional.


hard to imagine this one, isn’t it? In our current society, smoking
has all but been eliminated from the public life, yet in the 60’s
being a chain smoker was considered extremely attractive. It was
considered a very manly thing to do, despite society already being
aware of a clear link to cancer at the time.


we’d now refer to as “toxic masculinity” was considered to be
attractive 50 years ago. Traditional gender roles were very much
defended and even desired by many women. The man had to be the
provider while the woman had to stay at home and looked after the
household and the children.


this is slowly but surely returning to our current society and facial
hair isn’t considered dirty and weird anymore, we’d have to go
back to the 60’s to find a decade where full facial hair was
considered manly and sexy.


probably the best news in this entire article, having no muscles was
considered attractive in the 60’s. The typical “dad bod” was
the ideal body shape for men in that decade, and boy would that have
saved me many hours at the gym. I hereby volunteer as tribute for the
first time travel machine that goes to the 60’s.

No Muscles | 6 Things Women Found Really Attractive in the 60’s | Brain Berries

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