7 Richest Universities in the World

a well known fact that if you’re trying to get a top grade
education in today’s society, it’s probably going to cost you a
hefty penny. There’s loads of countries in the world where getting
an education is pretty much equal to starting your life off with a
huge debt. The other side of this story usually implies that if your
education costs so much, the universities involved have a huge source
of income in its students. Pretty much the only other source of
income universities have, come from gifts.

take a look at the richest universities in the world. And by
“richest”, I mean “with the highest market value”. Oh and
I’ll start off with a small spoiler: due to how the American
educational system works, all their universities are some of the
richest in the world.

of Texas System

this university isn’t really well-known or considered a “top
tier” university, the reason it has a $30,9
billion market value
is because it has
a lot more students than most expensive, exclusive universities do.
Simple reason is that, as the name implies, it’s a university
system and not a single institution. The system contains 8
universities, which means they’re kind of cheating but I’ll allow
them on this list anyway.

University of Texas System | 7 Richest Universities in the World | Brain Berries

Institute of Technology

known as MIT, this university has a market
value of $16,5 billion
. That’s not
even half of what some other big universities have, but it’s still
considered to be the best university if you want a technical-oriented
degree, like computer sciences for example.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology | 7 Richest Universities in the World | Brain Berries


a market value of $25,9 billion,
Princeton University is the smallest of the big universities,
financially speaking. Their market value is showing an amazing rise
however, having grown almost 9% in a single year.

Princeton University | 7 Richest Universities in the World | Brain Berries


guessing it’s not a surprise to anyone that this one made the list.
value is about $38,3 billion.
In case you were wondering, that officially makes them the richest
university in the world. As a comparison, the wealthiest British
university, Cambridge, has a market value of only £4 billion.

Harvard University | 7 Richest Universities in the World | Brain Berries


in the high numbers, Stanford has a comfortable market
value of $26,46 billion
. It may not
seem like much considering some of the other numbers that are getting
thrown around here, but it’s still good enough to get them a solid
spot as one of the top five richest universities in the world.

Stanford University | 7 Richest Universities in the World | Brain Berries

of Pennsylvania

modest $13,8 billion
university is another strong grower. In a single year, their value
has increased nearly 13%, which is just amazing if you think about
it. If they can keep this up for a few years, it won’t be long
until they’re on the top of this list.

University of Pennsylvania | 7 Richest Universities in the World | Brain Berries

Yale University

Yale only has a somewhat modest market value of $29,4 billion, which is kind of surprising. Their biggest competitor, Harvard, has a value that’s almost a third higher. I guess that makes honest competition pretty much impossible, right?

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