6 TV Shows That Got Better After A Major Character Had Left

As weird as it sounds,
killing off major characters in TV shows may actually be a good
thing. For some series this could mean a breath of fresh air. The
reason behind those on-screen deaths, however, is what makes this
topic so juicy. So some actors got fired, big deal! That is, until
you look under the hood and see why they had to go away.

Some had other projects,
some were just fed up, and some were so annoying people wrote
petitions to kill them off. Let’s talk about 6 TV shows that got
better after a major character had left.

Charlie – LOST

During all the six
seasons of this show, we’ve seen a many characters grow up and
evolve. Charlie was one of them. Since the very beginning Charlie
was doomed to being the most annoying guy of the
group. At least he died like a hero, and
his death started a chain reaction leading to some great plot twists.
So yeah, the show did get better!

Charlie - LOST | 6 TV Shows That Got Better After A Major Character Had Left | Brain Berries

Ned Stark – Game of Thrones

Unlike Charlie, Ned Stark
was a fan favorite, making his on screen death that much more
shocking. Of course, you do remember what the consequences of his
demise were, right? All hell broke loose.

 Ned Stark - Game of Thrones | 6 TV Shows That Got Better After A Major Character Had Left | Brain Berries

Lori Grimes – The Walking Dead

You know, when you
stop caring about your supposedly dead hubby 5 whole minutes after
the zombies hit, you’re not a good person. Some would say Lori was
just trying to survive, but come on… Plus whenever she was in a
scene she would drag everything down
to a halt. Fortunately,
the minute she was out of the picture, Rick and Carl finally
became fun to watch.

Lori Grimes - The Walking Dead | 6 TV Shows That Got Better After A Major Character Had Left | Brain Berries

Teri Bauer – 24

The 24 series was
all about the tension and drama, but Teri, Jack’s wife, was
only holding him back. In the first season finale when
Teri gets killed, Jack totally loses it
and in the future becomes even more badass and ruthless. And that’s a
win for us viewers!

Teri Bauer - 24 | 6 TV Shows That Got Better After A Major Character Had Left | Brain Berries

The Ninth Doctor – Doctor Who

Ah, the Ninth Doctor – Christopher
Eccleston. I have both great and horrible memories about him. He was
my first Doctor, and I loved it back then, but once he regenerated
into David Tennant, he was quickly forgotten. The Tenth and Eleventh
Doctors were the best!

The Ninth Doctor - Doctor Who | 6 TV Shows That Got Better After A Major Character Had Left | Brain Berries

Martin Riggs – Lethal Weapon

After all that drama behind the scenes of season 1, Clayne Crawford and Damon Wayans were still not able to get along. Clayne had to go, unfortunately. Many fans were mad about the decision to cut out the titular “lethal weapon” from the show, but once Sean William Scott replaced Clayne the public loved him! Sadly, the love didn’t last long, as the show was cancelled after 2 seasons due to Damon Wayans’ decision to quit. No Riggs, no Mutaugh… then what’s the point?

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