9 Mysterious Underwater Objects Very Few People Know About

We all know space is exciting and I, personally, can’t wait until
we can go to Mars as tourists. However there’s still an entire part
of our own planet that have not been thoroughly explored or
explained. And that, dear reader, is the ocean. It is estimated that
there are more undiscovered species of animals in the ocean than
there are discovered species on land.

What’s more — because exploring underwater can be expensive and
complicated, there are many, many occurrences that have not been
explained by science or properly and thoroughly explored. So, here
are 9 mysterious underwater objects that very few people know about.


Surely, everyone knows about the Titanic. However there are many
little-known facts about the ship and the circumstances of its
sinking. For example, did you know that the people in charge of
looking out on the ship (for things like, say, icebergs!) couldn’t
use binoculars? That’s right! The binoculars were locked away in a
cabinet that nobody had the keys to.

Another little-known fact is that all 700 third-class passengers had
to share just two bathtubs amongst themselves.

And, finally, the ships main chef, Charles Joughin, was able to
survive significantly longer in the cold waters because of the
copious amounts of whiskey he drank while cooking the 10-course meal
on the evening the ship sank.

Titanic | 9 Mysterious Underwater Objects Very Few People Know About | Brain berries

Underwater sculpture park

Just off the coast of the island of Grenada there is an underwater
museum created by an English sculptor, Jason deCaires Taylor. The
first exhibit was placed underwater in 2006, but since then the
underwater museum and park has grown. It now consists of more than 65
different items, and is expanding with every passing year.

Although the project is valuable for the artistic endeavor alone, it is also good for the local wildlife ecosystem!

Underwater sculpture park | 9 Mysterious Underwater Objects Very Few People Know About | Brain berries

Lost Kingdom Of Cleopatra – Legendary Lost City Of Heracleion

We all know climate change is a problem and rising water levels are a
real threat to coastal towns. But rising sea levels aren’t a
problem that is unique to our time (although the reasons are). The
Egyptian city of Thonis-Heracleion was the port city to Egypt during
the times when Cleopatra ruled it. This city is now submerged near
Alexandria, in the Aboukir Bay.

The city was buried in the sands of the ocean for 1,200 years, and
only thanks to technological advancements were archeologists able to
dig it up and piece together clues to discover what the city likely
looked like when it was, you know… on the ground and not under the

Lost City Of Heracleion | 9 Mysterious Underwater Objects Very Few People Know About | Brain berries

Yonaguni underwater pyramid, Japan

Japan has a long and rich history, but none of the buildings and
artifacts in Japan can match up to the Yonaguni pyramid. It was
discovered off the coast of the Yonaguni Island in 1987, and to this
day it’s unclear why it was built (or how). The best estimates lead
scientists to believe that the pyramids were built more than 10,000
years ago. One of the walls of the pyramid goes down 27m underwater.

Yonaguni underwater pyramid | 9 Mysterious Underwater Objects Very Few People Know About | Brain berries

The Great Blue Hole, Belize

This is the first naturally occurring object on the list. It was
discovered in 1971 by Jacques Cousteau and to this day is considered
as one of the best sites in the world to go scuba diving.

The Great Blue Hole | 9 Mysterious Underwater Objects Very Few People Know About | Brain berries

Shi Cheng underwater city, China

Unlike Heracleion, this entire city was flooded on purpose! Nearly
300,000 people were moved out of the city so that the government
could build a dam and a power plant. The entire Zhejiang valley was
flooded and the city of She Cheng found itself at the bottom of a
lake. 50 years later, many of the walls and wooden structures within
the city have managed to remain stable and intact. Somehow the flow
of water helps preserve everything instead of corroding it.

Shi Cheng underwater city | 9 Mysterious Underwater Objects Very Few People Know About | Brain berries

Underwater river at the bottom of the Black Sea

This is another naturally occurring wonder, and it’s absolutely
incredible. Scientists think that this river is the result of the
Marmara sea flowing into the Black Sea. This created a 1km wide, and
35m deep river in the middle of the sea with its own waterfalls. To
date, the Black Sea receives more freshwater every year than water
that is evaporated. This means that, with time, it’s likely that
the salinity of this sea will decrease.

Underwater river at the bottom of the Black Sea | 9 Mysterious Underwater Objects Very Few People Know About | Brain berries

Deepest Underwater Biome

As I’ve mentioned, there are more undiscovered species in our
planet’s water than there are discovered species on land. However,
a biome that has been discovered has caused scientists to scratch
their head for decades.

It’s a common known fact that living organisms can survive without
sunlight. Sunlight is the foundation and steppingstone of our entire
food chain. Except that there’s a whole biome of creatures living
underwater. So deep underwater, that the suns rays have absolutely no
chance of reaching them. Instead of using sunlight for nourishment
and energy (and photosynthesis), this biome survives on the metals
and minerals that erupt from the earth’s core deep, deep

Deepest Underwater Biome | 9 Mysterious Underwater Objects Very Few People Know About | Brain berries

Similar to the sculpture park in Grenada, this underwater museum was created by a non-profit organization that aims to save nearby coral leafs. It includes over 500 sunken sculptures and sees a whooping 200,000 visitors every year. And, similarly to the museum in Grenada, the sculptures have become in integral part of the marine life in the area.

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