Kendall Jenner’s Photos Have Never Looked This Good! (20 Photos)

do you think is the fastest way to get 1 million followers on
Instagram without showing off your naughty bits or buying fake
followers? The answer is … learn how to Photoshop yourself into the
photos of some top-tier celebrity! Or you could always go for Kendall
Jenner, that’s also fine.

Meet Kendall Jenner’s BFF – Kirby Jenner, who is actually just a random dude who happens to have some outstanding Photoshop skills. He’s so good, in fact, that people still have a tough time telling whether the photos are real or not. The lighting, the shadows, even the composition of his photos are perfect!

Kendall Jenner’s Photos Have Never Looked This Good! #1 | Brain Berries
Kendall Jenner’s Photos Have Never Looked This Good! #2 | Brain Berries
Kendall Jenner’s Photos Have Never Looked This Good! #3 | Brain Berries

Kendall Jenner’s Photos Have Never Looked This Good! #4 | Brain Berries
Kendall Jenner’s Photos Have Never Looked This Good! #5 | Brain Berries
Kendall Jenner’s Photos Have Never Looked This Good! #6 | Brain Berries

at Kirby’s Instagram photos you may think him and Kendall are not
only siblings but also best friends. They do everything together: eat
pizza, go grocery shopping, pose of magazine covers, and so on. It’s
kinda sad that they’ve actually never even met in real life.

Kendall Jenner’s Photos Have Never Looked This Good! #7 | Brain Berries
Kendall Jenner’s Photos Have Never Looked This Good! #8 | Brain Berries
Kendall Jenner’s Photos Have Never Looked This Good! #9 | Brain Berries
Kendall Jenner’s Photos Have Never Looked This Good! #10 | Brain Berries

Kendall Jenner’s Photos Have Never Looked This Good! #11 | Brain Berries
Kendall Jenner’s Photos Have Never Looked This Good! #12 | Brain Berries
Kendall Jenner’s Photos Have Never Looked This Good! #13 | Brain Berries

that the magic spell has dissipated, you have two choices: forget
what you know and enjoy the show or try to notice the tiniest of
editing mistakes and boast about it in Kirby’s comments.

that you’ve seen some of the more recent photos go over, follow the
man, and say hi! I’m sure he’ll be glad to have a few new friends!

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