8 Drunkest Countries In The World

we all like the occasional drink, don’t we? But what do we consider
“occasional” drinking, and when have we drank enough? It probably
won’t be a big surprise that this can vary greatly from country to

to science, we can actually measure how drunk each country is, on
average. We just take the liters of alcohol each inhabitant consumes
per year. Also, we are talking about pure alcohol here – not
“liters of alcoholic drinks”.

take a look at some of the drunkest countries in the world. Cheers!


a whopping 14,4 liters per capita per
, that’s quite a lovely amount of
alcohol people are pouring into their veins. As you’ll find out
from the rest of this list, Eastern Europeans just love their drinks
and I guess that’s what you do when your winters are cold as hell.
Gotta keep warm somehow.

Czech Republic | Drunkest Countries In The World | Brain Berries


country that makes the best beer in the world, also turns out to be
one of the biggest drinkers in the world? That’s probably not a
surprise to anyone. What is a surprise is that at 12,1
liters per capita
, they barely made the

Belgium | Drunkest Countries In The World | Brain Berries


mentioned Eastern Europe, right? These guys aren’t as bad as the
Czech Republic, but at 12,7 liters per
they’re no small fry either.

Bulgaria | Drunkest Countries In The World | Brain Berries


national holiday is known around the world for being a good excuse to
get drunk, so it’s no surprise to anyone that the Irish drink 13
liters of pure alcohol per year
. This
isn’t counting all the other people drinking to St. Patrick in the
rest of the world.

Ireland | Drunkest Countries In The World | Brain Berries


there, Eastern Europe! Lithuania doesn’t mess around though –
they drink 15 liters of pure alcohol per
capita per year
. That’s actually an
insanely high number and probably not all that good for your health.

Lithuania | Drunkest Countries In The World | Brain Berries


was born here and it’s probably the biggest beer country in this
list apart from Belgium, so their 13,4
liters per capita
isn’t shocking
anyone at this point, right? Hell, considering some of the other
numbers we’ve seen here, it’s actually pretty modest.

Germany | Drunkest Countries In The World | Brain Berries


the only thing your country is known for is Epic Sax Guy, you’re
going to drink a lot. In fact, you’re going to drink 15,2
liters of pure alcohol per year
. Since
this is our top scorer, let me illustrate that number: if a regular
beer is 5%, that means the average Moldovan drinks 304 liters of beer
per year. That’s nearly one liter a day. And this is assuming that
everyone in Moldova drinks.

Moldova | Drunkest Countries In The World | Brain Berries

Honorable Mention: United Kingdom

While the UK’s 11,5 liters of pure alcohol per capita doesn’t really impress anyone at this point, we do have to mention them simply for the fact that the British get drunk 51,1 times per year on average. This means that while in the grand scheme of things Brits might not drink that much, they do get drunk about once a week. That’s worth at least a mention on this list, right?

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