10 Non-Traditional Careers for Women

In our modern age it’s pretty messed up to pigeon-hole women by
limiting their career options, and yet some backwards-thinking
Neanderthals still think it’s appropriate. In reality, however, women
can do all types of jobs from being a firefighter to making fantastic
gourmet meals as a chef. By definition a non-traditional job for a
woman is one where up to 25% of workers are women. The US Department
of Labor has listed around 100 non-traditional professions, which is
quite a big number.

A person’s gender should
never play a pivotal role in choosing an occupation, unless someone
requires you to have certain body parts, but those jobs are a whole
other can of worms. In a nutshell, I don’t think there are any jobs
that a man or a woman are incapable of doing, purely based on their
gender. As long as you have the required skills, you should be given
a shot, which is why education is incredibly important in anyone’s
future career.

So now let’s get a quick
look at those 10 non-traditional career choices for women.

1. Truck Driver

What’s so special about
transporting goods?

Woman Truck Driver | Brain Berries

2. Architect

Designing cool buildings
is an awesome career path!

Woman  Architect | Brain Berries

3. Barber

Turns out women do know
how to trim one’s beard.

Woman Barber | Brain Berries

4. Chef

For some reason most chefs
are men, but I’ve never heard anyone saying “the dinner my dad has
cooked was unforgettable”. Moms rock, and women are awesome chefs!

Woman Chef | Brain Berries

5. Clergy Member

Religion and religious
people are a tough cookie to crack. That’s all I can say.

Woman Clergy Member| Brain Berries

6. Special

It’s a dangerous job for
sure, but oh so rewarding!

Woman Special agent Detective | Brain Berries

7. Engineer/Technician

Apparently, not too many
women find maths, physics, and all the science mumbo-jumbo very fun.

Woman Engineer | Brain Berries

8. Firefighter

Firefighters save lives
every single day. This is probably the most valiant of all the
professions on this list.

Woman Firefighter | Brain Berries

9. Pilot

What is a pilot if not a
sky Uber? But unlike Uber, only the most qualified get to fly air

Woman Pilot | Brain Berries

10. Programmer

Writing codes, making apps and games, staying up till the morning with blood-shot eyes, not sleeping for days because of the deadlines and crunch time… Yup being a programmer is very rewarding!

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