10 Little-Known Facts About NASA

NASA is one of the most controversial organizations in the world. There are so many mysteries, half-truths, and outright cover ops surrounding them that you don’t know what to believe. Was the moon landing a hoax? Are aliens real? Is the Earth flat? No, probably, and good god, NO! But these aren’t the questions we’ll be asking today. It’s time for some little-known NASA facts!


11 years ago, in 2008, NASA scientists were given a task to make the most drag-resistant swimwear ever. And so they did. Now that swimsuit is banned in almost every swimming competition.


According to NASA’s “To-Do list”, they’re planning to send humans on Mars by 2030. Will Elon do it faster?



NASA has a special division called Office of Planetary Protection, in case we find life on another planet.


Your smart-watch is about 100,000x more powerful than the first computer NASA used to handle all calculations when we sent our fellow humans to the moon. The original CPU had 64 Kb of memory and operated at 0.043MHz.

On one hot July evening of 2006, NASA scientists heard something incredible while eavesdropping on the vastness of space. The sound was 6 times louder than anything they’d ever heard and was named “Space Roar”.


Three dudes from Yemen once sued NASA for trespassing on their territory… on Mars. Yeah, they’re claiming that thousands of years ago their ancestors conquered the Red planet and it now belongs to them. Sure, whatever you say!



Is it possible to get a parking ticket in space? Apparently it is! After the spaceship NEAR-Shoemaker “parked” on asteroid 433 Eros, Gregory Nemitz, whose company claimed that object issued a $20 parking ticket to NASA.

If you want to know exactly when the ISS flies over your location, all you gotta do is ask NASA to send you a text message!


Technically anyone can be an astronaut, as long as they’re at least 50 miles above the ground. But don’t try this at home, kids.



It’s been estimated by NASA that all the valuable minerals in the asteroid belt would net every single human on Earth around 100 billion dollars. If that doesn’t scream “economical crisis”, I don’t know what does.


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