Artist Transforms Photos of Nature Into Magical Masterpieces

Wanna see something magical? I know a guy, trust me!
Robert Jahns is a fantastic artist from Germany, whose unique photos will make you believe in the unbelievable!


At the first glance his works look beautiful, very professional but that’s about it. Of course, if you look closer you may notice something surreal, dream-like, or even mystical! All you have to do is open your mind to the possibility of the impossible.


Keep scrolling if you want to see Robert transform photos of beautiful nature into magical masterpieces!



1. This must be one of Santa’s reindeers!



2. Even after the end of the world the Eiffel tower still stands. Or it could be a different reality.



3. Okay, is this where Santa lives during spring-summer season?



4. Moons! Everyone loves Moons!

5. This must be a shot from the new Frozen movie.



6. Can you spot the cat?



7. Now that’s what I call romantic dinner.

8. There are better ways to set the ocean on fire.



9. If I could see the stars as clearly as they are visible here, I’d never look down.



10. Stargazing has never looked this romantic.



11. I don’t have a clever comment. Just really dig this picture.

12. The most elegant of all the ballerina photos you’ll ever see.



13. The most tranquil of all the yoga pictures you’ll ever see.



14. For some reason I really want to throw a rock in this pool…

15. I’m incredibly happy to know this isn’t real. I would probably die on that swing.



16. New York has a few new mascots – the NY Penguins!



17. Whale, whale, whale, who do we have here?



18. This is, without a doubt, the best fishing ever.

19. “Get in the car, I got you.”



20. Isn’t that amazing picture?!



21. Okay, no more! This is the final drop! … Like, I mean literally, that would be his last drop. Not everything’s a pun, man, relax.

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